How To Reset A Discord Server In 2022. Discord is used by millions of people on a daily basis. Some people create their own servers and invite others to join them. Others prefer to have group calls with a few friends. If you’ve newly joined the Discord community, you might be interested in learning more about what this software has to offer.
Most likely, you’ve already set up your Discord server and invited a few people to join. However, you are dissatisfied with the appearance of this server because it is your first. It should have distinct roles, channels, and possibly a diverse group of active bots. That is why you need to reinstall Discord.
The most crucial thing, though, is to keep all of the server’s members safe. This is a question that a lot of people have been asking. How to Reset a Discord Server is the query. Is that even possible?
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Can I Reset a Discord Server?

The first thing that springs to mind when thinking about restarting a Discord server is cleaning out all of the server’s channels and roles. The goal is to get rid of all of them while keeping all of the members on the server active.
You can’t reset a Discord server, unfortunately. The Discord UI does not provide this option. Instead, you’ll have to put in a lot of effort and time. All of the settings in your Discord server will have to be manually reset.
You’ll have to go through each channel and role one by one. Keep in mind that this procedure may take some time. If there are no servers or channels, some of the chat participants may leave. So, before resetting everything on your server, you might want to think about it.
The simplest way to ensure that all members of the server remain is to inform them. Tell them what you’re going to alter and how you’re going to do it. You can remove the server and re-invite all of the members if you wish to skip all of the time-consuming steps. It’s a lot easier and faster.

Because Discord doesn’t have a feature for mass deleting channels and roles, the best solution is to delete the server entirely. Of course, you may always ask your server’s members to rejoin.
To delete roles manually on desktop, right-click on your server and select roles from the menu. You can remove the roles from here.
To eliminate a channel from your desktop, right-click on the channel and select Delete.
To manually delete roles in mobile, select a server, then tap the three dots symbol next to the server name, then tap the gear icon to access settings.
How To Reset A Discord Server In 2022

Scroll down to server settings and select roles. You can now eliminate a specific role by selecting edit and then deleting it.
To delete a channel on a mobile device, long press the channel’s name and select edit channel from the pop-up box.
Scroll down to the remove channel in the channel settings.
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As you can see, there is a significant amount of manual labour involved. When it comes to rebuilding a Discord server, there is a lot that goes into it. Because Discord doesn’t offer a server reset option, you’ll have to work on each position and channel individually. This is going to take some time. It’s not even worth it in the end. You can create a new Server and invite all of the members to rejoin. That concludes our discussion. We hope this has answered your question.