How To Play Volibear In League Of Legends. Volibear is one of the best examples of a well-done redo. This bear god from Freljord’s tundra has gone from being an afterthought of a champion to becoming one of the finest in the game, making him a terror for those who dare to battle him. Here’s everything you need to know about the Relentless Storm to get started.
Volibear has been on a roll since his revamp. The rework was a success, since it reintroduced Volibear to the forefront of the metagame. His entire kit has been improved, and he is now a very versatile champion who can fill four of the five roles. He possesses outstanding crowd management, great duelling power, solid engage, and good sustain. While he can play any role, he is most effective as a Top Laner or Jungler.
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The redesigned Volibear kit focuses on making him a more effective duelist while keeping his incredible engage and initiation abilities.
The Relentless Storm – Passive

When Volibear deals damage, he earns a 5% (+4% per 100) increase in attack speed, which stacks up to 5 times. He gets Lightning Claws when he has 5 stacks.
Volibear’s claws become engulfed in lightning, causing his basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage to the five enemies closest to him. To keep this effect, Volibear must deal damage within 6 seconds.
The passive of Volibear is a big part of why he’s such a good duelist. It also helps him have a good wave on the lane and in the Jungle. Volibear is nearly impossible to 1v1 with when Relentless Storm is present.
Q – Devastating Smash

Volibear gains 4 seconds of increased movement speed (which is doubled against enemy champions) and the ability to move through units. Volibear’s next basic attack deals bonus physical damage and stuns the target for 1 second while this ability is active.
If an enemy immobilises Volibear before he stuns a target, he becomes enraged, resetting this ability and its cooldown.
Outside of his ultimate, Volibear’s major form of crowd control is Thundering Smash. This is a fantastic ability that allows him to start ganking at level 2. When your Jungler tries to gank for you or when you gank other lanes, this is your go-to. Under the correct circumstances, it can also be a useful escape tactic.
Frenzied Maul (W)

Volibear mauls an opponent for 8 seconds, delivering physical damage, applying on-hit effects, and injuring the victim. When Frenzied Maul is used against a wounded target, the damage it deals is boosted by 50%, and Volibear restores health plus a portion of the health he lost. (Against minions, it’s just half effective)
Volibear’s bread and butter is frenzied Maul. This is your main source of damage, and it’s what you’d use to duel your opponent with. It also offers him good lane endurance, allowing you to play as aggressively as you want in the Top Lane. Many players will underestimate the damage this ability does, so take advantage of this to get an early advantage.
Sky Splitter (E)

Volibear summons a lightning bolt at a specific spot after a brief pause. This causes foes to be slowed by 40% for 2 seconds and does magic damage. Monster damage is limited to 750 points. Volibear obtains a shield equivalent to [+15 percent max] (+80 percent) for 3 seconds if he enters the explosion zone.
Sky Splitter is a one-of-a-kind talent. Volibear’s only source of poke in many respects is this. It has a long range, so you may take advantage of your lane opponent’s attempts to farm minions beyond your reach. It may also be utilised to boost your duelling power because it not only deals damage but also provides a shield if you use it while inside the blast zone.
Stormbringer (R)

For the following 12 seconds, Volibear changes and leaps at a target position, gaining extra health, 50 attack range, and the ability to travel through troops. Nearby enemy towers are disabled for a few seconds and take physical damage as you land. Enemies in close proximity are slowed by 50% for 1 second. Physical damage is dealt to enemies who are directly beneath Volibear.
This is definitely one of the most enjoyable skills to master. Stormbringer is similar to Galio’s Hero’s Entrance in that it does not need you to use a target. This can be used in 1v1 battles or to create a jarring introduction into a team fight. In general, utilise this when you have it up and are about to face an opponent champion.
When it comes to equipment, the goal for Volibear is to boost both his damage output and his survivability. You can use this to purchase goods favoured by Fighters or Bruiser that will improve his health, resistances, and attack damage while also increasing his health and resistances.
Items To Begin With

Volibear is a champion with a wide range of abilities. He’s so adaptable that he has a lot of choices for his item path. Corrupting Potion is the finest pick for a starting item. This grants you lane sustain as well as a slight damage boost when your opponent tries to trade with you. Doran’s Ring is a good choice if you want to be a little more aggressive.
While Volibear isn’t an AP champion, Doran’s Ring grants him mana and increases the effectiveness of his E ability, Sky Splitter. Choose Doran’s Shield instead if you’re facing a ranged top laner or just want to be more durable. If you’re playing in the jungle, you should always use Hailblade. This item transforms your Smite into Chilling Smite, slowing opponents attacked by the summoner spell. This is useful for ganking because it allows you to easily catch up to or stay on track with your targets.
Mythical Objects

When it comes to Mythic equipment, Volibear has a lot of options, much like he does with his starting items. In fact, you might argue that most, if not all, Mythic goods for tanks and fighters are usable on Volibear. However, if Volibear is played up top or in the Jungle, statistics reveal that these four Mythic items are the best. Divine Sunderer is the best option. This provides him with good health and damage, as well as the Spellblade passive, making him a formidable duelist. Then there’s Goredrinker. This item also improves Volibear’s duelling skills and extends his sustain. As a result, he’d be a better fit for your team as a tank or offtank.
Turbocharged Chemtank is the ideal Mythic for him when playing in the Jungle. This is a tank item that offers him a little bit of everything in terms of stats, as well as an active that speeds up his movement speed while approaching champions or enemy towers. Frostfire Gauntlet is the final choice. This item works well in both Top and Jungle environments. Volibear now has all of the tank and durability stats he had before, as well as increased duelling power thanks to Snowbind. What you pick should be based on your personal preferences, squad composition, and matchups. Divine Sunderer is the safest option if you’re unsure.
Completed Construction

Go for tier 2 boots once you’ve bought your Mythic. Plated Steelcaps are the standard, however depending on the situation, Mercury’s Treads can be substituted. After that, focus on Thornmail and Spirit Visage. These items boost your armour, health, and magic resistance while also allowing you to return damage and regenerate health. Next up is Frozen Heart, which reduces opposing champions’ mana, armour, and attack speed. Sterak’s Gage is a good way to finish your build because it has both damage and a passive shield.
Other Possibilities
While the whole build we’ve shown is widely regarded the standard for Volibear, it’s not set in stone. There are a variety of additional goods available, based on your preferences or what your current scenario requires. Hullbreaker, Dead Man’s Plate, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Winter’s Approach, and Force of Nature are all useful things to have, especially if you want to be more of a tank. To see what works best for you, mix & combine these item sets. You’ll gain a better knowledge of the game’s deeper mechanics if you do so.

Choose the Precision tree for your runes, and Press the Attack as your keystone. This will boost your duelling prowess even further. Then, for more damage when you’re low on health, choose Triumph for the sustain, Legend: Tenacity for crowd control, and Last Stand for more damage when you’re low on health. Take Shield Bash and Bone Plating from the Resolve tree for secondary abilities. Shield Bash boosts the shield provided by items like Sterak’s Gage and abilities like Storm Splitter. Bone Plating, on the other hand, boosts your resistance to a certain champion’s damage. Take Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, and Armor for rune shards.
- When you choose Thundering Smash as your first ability, you can truly cheese a first blood at level 1. This is a good approach to get a head start, but it demands your entire team’s cooperation.
- When played in the Top Lane, Volibear has a limited number of counters. When played in the Jungle, he does have quite a few counters. Strong Junglers such as Diana, Nidalee, Shyvana, Nocturne, and Hecarim can counter Volibear and diminish his effectiveness.
- When playing in a lane, always use Flash and Teleport as summoner spells. Smite should be used instead of Teleport if you’re playing in the Jungle.
That’s all there is to it! That’s everything there is to know about Volibear in League of Legends. Please return to this page for more fantastic guides on your favourite games. Have a great day, and we’ll see you on the Rift soon!