How To Get To Mountaintops Of The Giants In Elden Ring, the Mountaintops of the Giants was once a realm inhabited by giants. Unfortunately, the region was destroyed following the shattering, and only spirits now inhabit the grounds. The Giant Mountaintops are located northeast of the Lands Between and can be reached via a special big lift.
Because the Fire Giant can be located in this region, reaching the Mountaintops of the Giants is a necessary stage in Elden Ring’s story. The Crumbling Farum Azula, which unlocks the final boss in Leyndell, Capital of Ash, can be reached by defeating this boss.
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In Elden Ring, how do you get to the Giant Mountaintops?

Players must take the Grand Lift of Rold, which is located east of Leyndell, Royal Capital, to reach the Mountaintops of the Giants in Elden Ring. The Rold Medallion can be used to activate the lift.
In Elden Ring, How Do I Get The Rold Medallion?

After defeating Morgott, The Omen King in Leyndell, Royal Capital, Melina awards the Rold Medallion to the players. No Site of Lost Grace emerges after defeating the Omen King, as it does after defeating Elden Ring bosses. This is because Tarnished must first ascend the grand staircase and interact with the Erdtree’s sealed entrance. They can then descend the steps to the campfire, which should be waiting for them.

Melina, the Maiden, emerges at the Site of Lost Grace and informs the players that it is currently impossible to enter the Erdtree and face what lies beyond it. The Erdtree can only be burned if you travel to the highest point in Mountaintops of the Giants. Melina then hands out the Rold Medallion and marks the map with a red dot.
How to Get to Rold’s Grand Lift

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The Grand Lift of Rold is located northeast of the Lost Grace Forbidden Lands Site. Tarnished must first pass through the Royal Capital in Elden Ring to get there.

Players must first teleport to Avenue Balcony Site of Lost Grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital, before heading northeast to the massive closed gate.

Tarnished should travel east and climb the stairs on the left after entering this gate.

Players should turn left and pass through the archway after they reach the top of the steps. They should then take the wooden lift up and continue travelling east.

Tarnished will arrive at a stone elevator leading to the Forbidden Lands Site of Lost Grace after traversing the long bridge.

They should ignite the bonfire as they arrive, then summon Torrent and ride northeast. When the Black Blade Kindred boss arrives, players will know they’ve arrived at the appropriate location. Rather than resisting it, they should dash into the building and light the Site of Lost Grace on the right. They must next climb the stairs and trigger the Grand Lift of Rold using the Elden Ring medallion. Tarnished will subsequently be transported to the Giant Mountaintops by the lift.