How To Find Thermal Weapons In Fortnite. Getting headshots with a thermal weapon is one of the Fortnite objectives to acquire the Prowler skin. Each Prowler quest yields a distinctive item, and completing three of them yields the Prowler skin. Players must score three headshots with a thermal weapon to fulfil the thermal weapon quest, but where can we locate these thermal weapons? Find out in the next paragraphs.
Thermal Weapons In Fortnite: Where To Find Them

The Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle is the only thermal weapon in Chapter 3 Season 2. The Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle, like any other weapon can obtained in chests, supply drops, and general loot drops. You can view the thermal picture of any opponent, including IO Forces and even wildlife, when firing the rifle.

Of course, you could always get lucky and find one by defeating an opponent who has one. They are only available in Rare, Epic, and Legendary rarities.
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This weapon can also found in two other locations. The first is located over Coney Crossroads on the Airship. You must defeat Huntsman Saber in order to earn this weapon, who will subsequently drop a Legendary Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle.

It advisable to tackle this boss only after you fully protected up, as he’s a formidable foe! He may always found on the airship above whatever specified area the IO Forces and The Seven are fighting in. You’ll get the greatest Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle you can get your hands on once you defeat him!

Another method to get this weapon is to defeat the IO Hunter in the last stage of the IO Forces vs. The Seven conflict. He is less difficult to beat than the Huntsman Saber, but you may face other opponents as well as IO Guards! He drops an Epic Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle once he is vanquished.
Once you obtain your weapon, finish the mission by hitting three opponents with headshots while using the Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle.
Good luck!