How To Defeat Darth Vader In Star Wars The Force Unleashed. Darth Vader reared Starkiller as his secret apprentice, grooming him to be the Empire’s ultimate fighter. Now, Starkiller is on a mission to reclaim his life and break free from his horrible past. The last scene of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed features a climactic confrontation against Darth Vader, and in our Star Wars: The Force Unleashed guide, we’ll show you how to defeat him!
How To Defeat Darth Vader In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Darth Vader is the first boss you’ll face in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’s final boss battle, and he’ll be a tough opponent. You’ve faced several Jedi bosses by this stage in the game, and Darth Vader is comparable to other bosses, albeit considerably stronger.

Darth Vader, like the other Jedi bosses, will frequently block the majority of your sabre combinations. Keep the pressure on, even if he blocks most melee assaults, and you can end yourself in a quick-time event sequence. You can deal some considerable damage to Darth Vader if you execute the process correctly.
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Aerial strikes are also effective. Most ground attacks are blocked by Darth Vader, however jumping attacks like Aerial Assault and Aerial Shock almost always hit. Aerial assaults tend to be difficult for Vader to cope with, thus they’re perfect for assaulting while keeping a safe distance.
Vader is particularly vulnerable to Sith electric assaults such as Sith Barrage, Sith Scorcher, Sith Seeker, and plain old Lightning. Sith Seeker appears to be very effective, as Vader will usually block the initial shockwave but be struck by the subsequent lightning shot. If melee attacks aren’t working, using lightning-based attacks from afar is a great alternative.
You should be able to defeat Darth Vader by combining all of the moves described above. If you’re running short on health, shatter some of the destructible objects around the arena to obtain a health item. You can attempt tossing the objects at Vader to inflict some covert damage, but he’ll most likely break them.

If you want the game’s dark side finale, you’ll have to fight Darth Vader a second time. To begin the second battle, attack Vader instead of Palpatine when given the option. Darth Vader is a little faster and more aggressive this time around than he was in the first bout, but his move set remains the same, making things a little simpler. Maintain your current tactic of attacking him mostly with lightning-based techniques.
Congratulations! In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, you vanquished Darth Vader! Let us know if you have any additional duelling tips in the comments section!