How To Tame A Skeleton Horse In Minecraft Creative. A domesticated skeleton horse can be obtained in a variety of ways. However, there are some possibilities that will create a regular horse that you will be unable to tame and ride. So be cautious and follow this guide’s directions to the letter.
In Minecraft, How Do You Summon A Horse Skeleton?

You must activate cheats, enter creative mode, and locate the skeleton horse summon egg in order to summon an already domesticated skeleton horse. Use the search bar to input the word HORSE for a quick search.
You’ll get a skeletal horse that’s impossible to tame and ride this manner.
How To Call A Skeleton Of A Tamed Horse
To summon an already tamed skeleton horse, use cheats, go into creative mode, and type one of the following orders into the chat:

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/summon minecraft:skeleton_horse ~ ~ ~ {SkeletonTrap:1}
/summon skeleton_horse ~ ~1 ~ {Tame:1}
This method will provide you with tamed skeleton horses that you may saddle and ride.
Without Cheats, How To Get A Tamed Horse Skeleton
You must complete the following to obtain a horse skeleton without using any cheats:
- Play on the hardest setting;
- Investigate the world during a storm;
- Find a skeleton horse (the likelihood of seeing one depends on the difficulty level; the higher the difficulty, the more likely the horse will spawn);
- Approach it from at least 10 blocks away and wait for lightning to strike the horse and four horsemen to appear;
- Defeat horseback riders.
If you want to get it done faster, use the order to summon a horse trap during a thunderstorm.
/summon skeleton_horse ~ ~ ~ {SkeletonTrap:1}
This is currently the only non-cheating way to tame a skeleton horse.How To Tame A Skeleton Horse In Minecraft Creative.