How To Get The Daedric Horse In Skyrim Anniversary Edition. The Daedric Horse is one of the new unique mounts in Skyrim Anniversary Edition, and here’s where you can discover this Deadlands-themed horse.
When it comes to mount options in Skyrim, there is a definite lack of customizability. Players can only ride three different horses in the original game: Shadowmere, Frost, and Arvak, and horses purchased from stablemasters are identical except for coat colour and pattern. Players that install Skyrim Anniversary Edition gain access to a few new features, including the Daedric Horse.
The Daedric Horse, like Arvak, can called to serve as the player’s mount for a limited time. With deep red highlights, metal plating, and eyes as fiery as its stride, it appears like a Dremora’s vision of a horse. It has some unique features that make it well worth collecting, albeit you’ll need Skyrim Anniversary Edition to locate it.
Erik Petrovich updated this page on May 1, 2022: One of Skyrim’s coolest horses is the Daedric Horse. The Daedric Horse, which included with the Anniversary Edition as part of the Skyrim The Cause creation, is one of the best summons because to its capacity to a tank in combat as well as a mount that can resurrect after death. When it comes to collecting the Daedric Horse in Skyrim, there are two options: going to the Deadlands as part of a questline in The Cause, or getting fortunate with loot tables and finding it as a Spell Tome elsewhere in the realm. Although the questline is a surefire way to discover this horse, there are other ways to improve your chances in the rest of Skyrim.
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Daedric Horse Stats And Unique Features

Because of its substantially greater Health pool, the Daedric Horse has an advantage over other Skyrim horses. It can endure all but the longest falls and worst hits because to its strong 1637 Max Health. In fact, because of its tankiness, it’s not a bad idea to use it as a fight summon if you get it early enough. Although its kick attack isn’t the most powerful in the world, Skyrim’s Daedric Horse excels at diverting.
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The Daedric Horse, like Arvak, does not live indefinitely. Once cast, it lasts 60 seconds, and if dual-cast, it lasts much longer. When the 60 seconds are over, if the player is riding the Daedric Horse, it will not despawn and will continue to serve as a mount until the player dismounts. It summoned with a Conjuration spell of Apprentice level, thus even low-Magicka players can use it if they find the Spell Tome early enough.
The Deadlands And The First Method

The Daedric Horse can found in the Skyrim Anniversary Edition Creation The Cause, which takes players on a journey to learn more about the Mythic Dawn cult’s activities since the Oblivion Crisis. The questline takes players to the Deadlands, where they meet a variety of Daedra and Dremora, including the Daedric Horse.
At initially, the Daedric Horse an adversary that must slain in order to summon one as a summonable horse. Defeat the Daedric Horse Skyrim throws at you (together with the neighbouring Valkyn and foes who will almost certainly aggro) and search the area for the Spell Tome: Summon Daedric Horse. It should lying on a surface, but if you use the Unrelenting Force yell during the fight, it may blasted away.
Random Loot Tables Are The Second Method

Starting at level 10, the Spell Tome: Conjure Daedric Horse can discovered in standard loot tables throughout Skyrim. It drops at such a low rate that players are more likely to find a second Meridia’s Beacon than this spell tome. Loot every container you see that can hold books, such as chests and bookshelves, to boost your odds of discovering it this way. When it comes to Skyrim’s loot table, it’s all a game of chance, so look around for other ways to get it to spawn.
When you obtain this Spell Tome, go to your Inventory’s Book section and click on it to add it to your list of learnt Spells, then go to your Magic menu. If you equip it to one (or both) of your hands in the Conjuration screen, you’ll be able to summon the Daedric Horse on any normal surface. It’s an Apprentice-level spell that requires 136 Magicka to cast and, like any other summoning spell, benefits from the Conjuration Skill Tree.
Skyrim Special Edition is out now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S consoles.