Who Is Sei Shōnagon In Fate Grand Order. Fate/Grand Order a Japanese smartphone game created by Lasengle and distributed by Aniplex that available for free. The game published in Japan on July 29, 2015. For Android and August 12, 2015 for iOS, and is based on Type-Fate/stay Moon’s night property. Sega launched a Fate/Grand Order Arcade arcade version in Japan on July 26, 2018.
The game focused on turn-based combat. In which the player assumes the role of a “Master” who summons and controls powerful familiars known as “Servants” to fight foes. The plot told in a visual novel manner, with each Servant having its own scenario for the player to explore. The gacha mechanic used to obtain servants.
Sei Shounagon, one of the game’s Servants, will discussed today.

Sei was a brilliant woman whose outspoken demeanour. Which some of her contemporaries would describe as unconventional, set her apart in the male-dominated society of her period.
Empress Teishi, Emperor Ichijou’s consort, she dutifully served until the Empress’s death. Sei Shounagon’s various prose writings for Empress Teishi ultimately compiled to form “Makura-no-Soushi,” commonly known as The Pillow Book.
Kiyohara-no-Motosuke, Sei Shounagon’s father, was one of the Five Men of the Pear Chamber scholars. Who assisted in the compilation of the Kun-Doku (Japanese interpretation of Chinese characters) version of the “Manyoshu” waka poem anthology.
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Battle Abilities

Sei is an excellent Servant in a packed AoE Archer field. Especially if she is accompanied by a Skadi and Waver. When Append Skills become accessible. Having an extra 20% beginning gauge on her second append skill. Which can achieved with enough Bond levels, will be quite useful.
She does, however, have certain flaws. For starters, her Noble Phantasm isn’t the most powerful, particularly in non-looping settings. The benefits of her skill also combined in an inefficient manner. With a combination of defence and offence inside the same skill, which can effective at different times. Finally, because her Noble Phantasm’s supereffective qualities always found together, they virtually never stack for truly high damage.
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