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Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Cheat Codes

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Cheat. In our cheat list for Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga we tell you all known cheat codes.

In our guide to cheat codes in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker you will learn:

How do I enable cheats in Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga?

To enable cheats in Lego Star: The Skywalker Saga, go to the pause menu after loading your save. “Enter code” is the penultimate menu item on the bottom right. When you click it, an on-screen keyboard will display, allowing you to enter the codes.

where to enter lego star wars skywalker saga codes pause menu
where to enter lego star wars skywalker saga codes pause menu

You don’t need to double-check the codes. When you type a cheat correctly, a notice will appear stating that the appropriate character or spaceship has been unlocked.

All Character Cheats

We’ve listed all of the codes for more characters in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, such as Darth Vader in a Christmas sweater and Grand Moff Tarkin, below.

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XV4WND9Admiral Holdo
KH7P320Aayla Secura
C3PHOHOC-3PO (Day of Life)
WOOKIEEChewbacca (day of life)
TIPYIPSDO (day of life)
WROSHYRDarth Vader (day of life)
LIFEDAYGonk Droid (Day of Life)
SIDIOUSThe Emperor
WBFE4GONute Gunray
KORDOKUPoe (day of life)
Z55T8CQPoggle the Lesser
GR2VBXFRatts Tyerell
SKYSAGATemmin Wexley

All spaceship cheats

So far there are only two codes that unlock new spaceships in the game :

ARVALA7Die Razor Crest
SHUTTLEResistance I-TS Transporter

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Cheat Codes