Fastest Way To Level Up Weapons In Destiny 2. Learn the fastest and most efficient way to level up weapons in Destiny 2 so you can unlock Enhanced Perks and reach new Weapon Levels.
In Destiny 2, levelling up created weapons is essential for unlocking new bonuses. The faster you level up a constructed weapon, the faster you’ll be able to get the improved perks, which will increase the weapon’s efficacy even more. As a result, figuring out the fastest way to level up a weapon is a fantastic concept. Fortunately, there are a couple fantastic methods for gaining a large amount of XP for these weapons.
These techniques aren’t simply for handmade weapons. If you have a weapon that requires Attunement, these tactics will assist you in filling the Attunement Progress metre, awarding you with crafting resources and, on rare occasions, weapon patterns. For everything you need to know about this new system, check out our Weapon Crafting guide.
Table of Contents
Attunement And Weapon Levels Are Used To Level Up Weapons

Before we go into the best techniques, let’s take a look at how weapon levelling works in Destiny 2. Using a weapon (or having it equipped in a slot when completing an action) fills up the Attunement Progress or Weapon Level metre over time.
You can get crafting materials from a weapon by filling its Attunement Progress bar. Increasing a weapon’s Weapon Level, on the other hand, unlocks new benefits at the Relic for further sculpting and reshaping.
Most players will be aiming to swiftly level up a weapon in order to obtain new Weapon Levels and Enhanced Perks. Ascendant Alloy is required for these perks, so make sure you have a big supply of this rare resource.
Check The Level Of A weapon

The level of a weapon can be determined by checking it in your inventory. To check the percentage and a progress bar, simply hover over the weapon. On the right side of the screen, above the weapon’s stats, you can study the weapon and see the Weapon Level. Hover your mouse over the XP bar to see how far you’ve gone through the current level. This will allow you to keep track of the XP value of different actions.
What Is The Fastest Way To Level Up Weapons?
Now for the main reason you’ve come here: fast levelling up weaponry. As the in-game blurb says, upgrading up weapons in Destiny 2 is as simple as using them in combat, but you’ll also gain experience through performing activities. Assuming you already understood this, let’s look at the most effective approaches.

To begin with, the Shuro Chi checkpoint in the Last Wish raid is the finest way to swiftly level up firearms – and Exotic Catalysts. The gateway spawns a swarm of Shadow Thrall, and the hallway beyond is teeming with more powerful opponents to deal with. Destroy the foes, then let one of them defeat you, or wait for the timer to wipe you out, and then rinse and repeat.
The Shuro Chi checkpoint’s disadvantage is that getting enough ammo, especially for Power weapons, can be difficult. A Raid Banner can be used, but they are expensive unless you have a lot of Legendary Shards. If you’re levelling Energy weapons, make sure you have the appropriate ammo finder mods installed.
Using the Dares of Eternity is another fantastic approach. Dares of Eternity will not only help you boost Xur’s Rank, but it will also require you to complete an activity, which will reward you with more XP. Furthermore, finishing the obstacle course after the first round is a simple way to obtain infinite heavy ammo. This will assist you in quickly levelling your Power weapon.

However, before you try either of these farming methods, make sure you finish your weekly challenges. You’ll get either a Pinnacle drop or Powerful rewards for each weekly challenge. Furthermore, each action you perform adds to your Weapon Level’s XP advancement. Completing a single Crucible match, for example, can contribute more than 15% to your weapon’s level.
In Destiny 2, levelling up weaponry is now just as crucial as progressing in other areas. You can enhance a weapon’s Weapon Level and unlock new Enhanced Perks by swiftly levelling it up. This will help boost the weapon’s efficiency. Check out our Destiny 2 Guide for more information on all aspects of the game.