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Elden Ring Rune Farming Locations

Elden Ring Rune Farming Locations Caelid is a weird spot in Elden Ring because of its location. It’s very easy to get there in the beginning of the game, and it has opponents that can kill you faster than those found throughout Limgrave and much of Liguria. The bogus trap chest at the Dragon-Burnt Ruins or the Third Church of Marika lead several of us here. Surprisingly, with a little expertise, this region can also provide some excellent farming opportunities. The best rune farming spots in Caelid in Elden Ring are listed below.

The Best Places to Farm Caelid Runes

If you want to enhance your runes in Elden Ring, there are three good places to go. Two of these three sites are easily accessible early in the game.

Farum Greatbridge Elden Ring 2
Farum Greatbridge Elden Ring 2

Bestial Sanctum / Farum Greatbridge

This is possibly the most prevalent one that individuals encounter. If you need a few extra levels in the early game, here is the greatest place to farm. To get here, travel to the Third Church of Marika and utilise the teleporter hidden behind the shrubs on the cliff’s edge. This teleporter transports you to Caelid’s northernmost region, the Bestial Sanctum.

Do not, under any circumstances, attack the Gargoyle guarding the stairwell. Even if you’re past level 100, it can one-shot you and reward you with a large number of runes. Instead, you’ll assassinate the Vulgar Militiamen patrolling the region. You’ll get roughly 1,000 to 1,300 runes per kill if you kill all of them. They can be staggered to death for the most part, but be cautious when they attack in numbers. They can one-shot or two-shot you due to their great attack power.

Just before the Farum Greatbridge, head south from the Bestial Sanctum. When you need to respawn the opponents, there is a Site of Grace that is more easier and safer to reach. Also, don’t provoke the dragon defending the bridge by going too far south!

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Lennes Rise Boulder Farm 2
Lennes Rise Boulder Farm 2

The Ascension of Lenne

If you get past Greyll, there’s another farming place on the other side of the Farum Greatbridge, where there’s a site of grace. Another option is to take the main trail through Caelid, through Dragonbarrow and the Minor Erdtree. To generate a trap boulder, walk west down the path from the Site of Grace.

It’s advisable to use Torrent for this because he gives you more flexibility. Run along the cliff’s edge and try to get the boulder to tumble off. If everything goes according to plan, you should end up with 2,000 runes. Returning to Lenne’s Rise Grace and spawning the boulder will do the trick again. This is a safe location to go if you don’t want to deal with the hard-hitting militiamen.

War Dead Catacombs AFK Rune Farm
War Dead Catacombs AFK Rune Farm

Catacombs of the War Dead

After you’ve defeated Radahn, head north of where you fought him. Go east until you reach the War-Dead Catacombs at the bottom of the cliff. Because you’re facing Radahn’s warriors and Cleanrot Knights, clearing this area is exceedingly difficult. These are formidable foes on their own, but they’re spirits who appear intermittently throughout the game.

They’re battling each other, which is fortunate. You are granted runes when they are dead, either by your hands or by their other opponents. Even if you don’t hit them once, if you get close enough to see their health bars, you’ll be rewarded runes when they die. It’s a slow AFK farm, but it pays off in the long run with a large number of runes.

Of course, by the time you reach the War-Dead Catacombs, there may be better areas to farm runes, but to each their own.

Elden Ring Rune Farming Locations