Best Submission Moves in WWE 2k22 Despite the fact that WWE 2K22’s speed and mechanics are more arcade-like, a technical match-up between two wrestlers who use submission moves to wear down their opponents is still possible. The game gives the player a variety of options for wearing down specific body parts to improve the effectiveness of a finisher or even causing the opponent to bleed.
In the past, many wrestling games required the inclusion of specific submission moves in their main moveset. Submissions, in addition to their light and strong wrestling manoeuvres, signatures, and finishers, can be triggered in WWE 2K22.
Submission moves like the Sharpshooter and Figure Four Leg Lock are used by wrestlers like Bret Hart and Ric Flair as finishers, with the Sharpshooter and Figure Four Leg Lock causing massive damage when used. However, in order for the submission finishers to work, the opponent’s specific body parts must be worn down.
During the match, one of the best ways is to execute basic submission holds. It’s also worth noting that submissions work better on some wrestlers than on others, depending on their WWE 2K22 stats. At any point during the match, here’s how to perform the submission moves:
Table of Contents
How to Make Simple Submissions
Opponent who is still standing

- Stand in front of the opponent and press RT/R2 and B/Circle at the same to execute a standing submission.
Legs of a Grounded Opponent

- To work on a wrestler’s legs, press RT/R2 and B/Circle near their legs to perform a basic leg submission hold. Grounded submissions are best used in modes where pinfalls and submissions can win a match. They aren’t suited to matches like the Royal Rumble as it can leave the player’s wrestler vulnerable.
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Arms/Side of Grounded Opponent

- To work on the wrestler’s arms or side, press RT/R2 and B/Circle near the side of the wrestler’s body. This can perform a submission on an opponent’s arms like a keylock or another body submission variation such as the camel clutch depending on a wrestler’s move-sets.
Upper Body of a Grounded Opponent

- To perform a submission on a wrestler’s head or neck, press RT/R2 and B/Circle when standing near their head. This will perform moves to wear down the head, neck, body, and even the legs combined depending on their move-sets.
Reversal Of A Foot Catch Into A Submission

- A foot catch reversal into the submission is a little more difficult than the others because it requires timing to catch your opponent’s kick before executing it.
- When an opponent kicks you in the stomach, press Y/Triangle at the appropriate moment to catch the foot. For a little moment, the opponent will be defenseless.
- Because you only have a few seconds to attack, quickly press RT/R2 and B/Circle to perform a reversal submission move.
- This is especially effective on wrestlers like Steve Austin, who uses his WWE 2K22 finisher, the Stunner, which begins with a kick to the gut.
Allowing A Submission To Go

- If an opponent is looking likely to get out of a submission hold, it’s always better to let go of the submission first; otherwise, it will trigger an automatic reversal move for the opponent. To let go of a submission move, press LB/L1 just before the submission meter runs out to cancel it​​​​​​.
Submission moves are an excellent way to wear down an opponent so that the finishers can be applied. It’s also an excellent way to end a match early because a badly beaten opponent will tap out before a finisher can be applied.