Energy Fluctuation Location In Fortnite. Week 8 Resistance task in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 is to use the Sensor Backpack. To discover an energy fluctuation around Loot Lake.
If you wish to finish this Fortnite task. Make sure you’ve completed all of the Resistance challenges from Week 1 to Week 8. Following that, you must complete the Week 8 Resistance challenges. Which include speaking with Mancake, Bao Bros, and Lil Whip, as well as collecting Signal Jammers.
You’ll get 23k XP for completing this challenge, which will help you unlock more skins from the current Battle Pass.
Fortnite Sensor Backpack Locations

The first stage in this Fortnite challenge is to set up a device uplink. Which you can accomplish near Synapse Station and Seven Outpost I, which are located south-west of Greasy Grove.
Following that, you’ll need to obtain a Sensor Backpack, of which there are two to chose from.
To proceed with this task, you must gather a Sensor Backpack.

A Sensor Backpack may be discovered north of Tilted Towers, west of the crater. This bag is recommended because it is closer to your next destination.
The second Sensor Backpack may be located near the bridge south of Tilted Towers, near the part of road near the bridge.

The Origin will tell you to go to Loot Lake if you’ve gathered a Sensor Backpack.
In Fortnite, Energy Fluctuates Around The Loot Lake Location
If you don’t know what to look for, finding the energy fluctuation area near Loot Lake in Fortnite can be tricky.

If you want to look for it yourself, pay attention to the backpack’s lights and sounds; the closer you get to the energy fluctuation, the more it will beep and a green light will begin to flash.
We have, however, located the source of energy fluctuation for you – just be aware that the information below contains spoilers!
The energy fluctuation may be located west of Titled Tower, between two boulders on the edge of Loot Lake. You’ll know you’re at the right place when a swarm of orange energy appears, which you must engage with.

To complete this challenge and the Week 8 Resistance challenges, interact with the energy fluctuation!
Check out our tutorials on jetpacks, how to obtain XP fast, character collection, how to unlock The Prowler skin, helicopter spots, and how to deactivate a tank engine if you want to learn more about Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.Energy Fluctuation Location In Fortnite.