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elden ring winged sword insignia 1 1024x529 1
Winged Sword Insignia Location In Elden Ring. Melee attackers might consider getting the Winged Sword Insignia, especially if they use a fast-hitting weapon. This talisman increases your attack power with…
Gliding featured Ghostwire 1
How Gliding Works In Ghostwire Tokyo. Getting about Tokyo in Ghostwire: Tokyo can be dangerous. If you're not careful, you could end up in a brawl if you turn the…
ghostwire tokyo guide 1024x576 1
How To Unlock Fire Weaving In Ghostwire Tokyo. You'll be able to unlock three Weaving elements as you progress through Ghostwire: Tokyo. There are three types of weaving methods: wind,…
Elden Ring Sage Armor Set
Sage Armor Set Location In Elden Ring. Some sages exceptional while others average and some driven from town for practising heresy. Which personality type do you belong to? If you…
ghostwire tokyo review header 1
Ghostwire Tokyo: How To Complete Tanuki Hunt. While you progress through the plot and cleanse the Shiroyama Shrine in Ghostwire: Tokyo. You'll encounter a few small companions whom you'll have…
elden ring stars
Twinsage Glintstone Crown Location In Elden Ring. If you want to boost your intelligence in Elden Ring, you should head to Raya Lucaria. Scholars dwell in the academy, which houses…
elden ring knight 1
How To Play As Hero In Elden Ring. If you want to play a true beefcake, Elden Ring is the class for you. The Hero class a conventional melee-based combatant…
ghostwire tokyo best skills abilities
Best Skills To Unlock First In Ghostwire Tokyo. Ghostwire: Tokyo is a unique game with a lot of skills to choose from. What are the best skills to learn first?…
How to Find Fias Weathered Daggers Owner in Elden Ring scaled 1
Where To Deliver The Weathered Dagger For Fia In Elden Ring. Following Fia's questline, you'll receive a Weathered Dagger after reaching Altus Plateau in Elden Ring. You may have met…
Elden Ring Deathroot Gurranq D
Where Is Gurranq In Elden Ring. Gurranq, Beast Clergyman, is an ominous NPC you meet after D, Hunter of the Dead, teaches you about Deathroot. Providing this NPC with more…