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Can You Get Shiny Numel In Pokemon Go

Can You Get Shiny Numel In Pokemon Go. Numel is one of the many Pokémon you’ll come across when playing Pokémon Go in your neighbourhood. It may appear as a Field Research task. During special events, or you may have the opportunity to discover it in the wild. Is there a chance you can capture a shiny variant of Numel in Pokémon Go while you’re seeking for him?

Can You Catch A Shiny Numel?

You can’t catch a shiny Numel right now. As a result, on May 10, it will not be available for its Spotlight Hour. This, however, will not last for long. Numel’s shiny version will be available for everyone at Pokémon Go Fest 2022, according to Niantic’s development team. Those that purchased a ticket to the Pokémon Go event will have a better. Chance of finding this shiny form when it spawns, and the shiny version. Should available to all players after the event.

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If you hoping to snag a shiny Numel during the Spotlight Hour on May 10, you won’t able to do so. This Pokémon can only be caught in its normal form. We recommend catching many Numel during the Spotlight Hour if you hoping for a shiny variety to evolve into a Camerupt. You can then transfer them to candy, which you can then use to get a shiny Numel during the Pokémon Go Fest event.

While not attending the Pokémon Go event may be disappointed, Numel’s shiny variant will not locked away indefinitely.Can You Get Shiny Numel In Pokemon Go.