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Tarot Card Location In The Quarry

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry. The Quarry cards and their functions throughout the game.

Are you attempting to amass all of The Quarry Tarot Cards? These amusing little narrative goodies are a terrific way to tease out the possible fates of people in the plot. Tarot Card Location In The Quarry. And try to keep them alive while the game does everything it can to kill them off. Eliza, the local tarot reader and not-at-all-creepy character. Tarot Card Location In The Quarry, Will give you a reading for every tarot card you pick up in chapter.

Eliza explains the significance of the tarot you choose at the end of each chapter. But she also gives you a brief foreshadowing of the following chapter if you choose. Allowing you to gain a leg up on fate if you can figure out what it means. I’ll explain where to find them in each chapter in this cards guide for The Quarry(opens in new tab). Fortunately, as you come closer, the camera displays the location of the tarot, making them much easier to locate.

Where to find each of the Quarry Tarot Cards

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
Tarot Card Location In The Quarry

The Fool

While playing as Laura, you can find this card after falling off the ledge in the forest. The camera will change to display the card as you walk down the left path.


Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
Tarot Card Location In The Quarry


Head into the kitchen after entering the lodge as Jacob, and the camera will switch to reveal the tarot card.


The Hanged Man

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
The Quarry Tarot Card locations Chapter 2 The Hanged Man 2

Choose the rocky route with Abi while playing as Nick. Once you’ve completed the quick time sequences, the camera will shift to reveal the card on a ledge above you.


Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
The Quarry Tarot Card locations Chapter 3 The Star 2

The Star

When you’re looking for towels at the boathouse as Jacob. Go to the canoes on the pier to find the card.


The Tower

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
The Quarry Tarrot Cards3

While playing as Abi in the woods, she will begin to hear noises, which will trigger a cutscene. Continue forward after it finished, and the camera will shift to reveal the card hid in a tree.

The Magician

Make your way down the steps to the dock as Emma on the island. The camera will reveal the card adhered to it towards the edge.


The camera will momentarily display the card taped to the leg of a table. When the group of counsellors re-enters the lodge.


The Devil

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
The Quarry Tarot Card locations Chapter 5 The Devil 3

When exploring the cabins as Dylan. Go to the middle picnic tables to find the card slid between one of the table legs.

The Hermit

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
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Look to the left side of the building for the enormous antenna. When you arrive at the radio hut as Dylan. You’ll see a card clinging to one of its legs as you approach it.



Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
Tarot Card Location In The Quarry

As Jacob walks along the wooden bridge, descend the steps. And turn left to expose the card against one of the struts.

The Moon 

Investigate the central shower stall as Abigail. And the camera will change to see the card pinned to the side of a locker.

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The World

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
The Quarry Tarot Card locations Chapter 7 The World 2

Head towards the bars in Laura’s cell to find the card taped to the underside of the bed.

The Chariot

As Laura, enter the open office with the chairs placed on tables while investigating the police station. The card will fastened to a beam if you go between the central desks.


The Lovers

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
The Quarry Tarot Card locations Chapter 8 The Lovers 2

Head up the walkway and onto the small branch balcony. After the rail-collapse cutscene with Ryan and Laura in the mine. Standing here will cause the camera to pan upwards, revealing the card that has been hid further up.

Wheel of Fortune

A short tunnel with a lantern can also found in the mine. Follow it to find the card affixed to the wall.


When you first enter the Hackett house as Ryan, go to the room on the left. Examine the table and chairs to find the card that has hid in the room.

The Emperor 

Walk along the lamp-lit tunnel lined with barrels in the Hackett basement. And the camera will disclose the card as you get close to the end.



Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
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As Ryan, exit the dumbwaiter and proceed to the bedroom’s birdcage and the closet behind it. This should disclose the card that previously hidden on top.

The Sun

As Laura, climb stairs to second floor and turn left until you come to deserted room with circuit box. As you approach the window, the camera will pan to reveal the card stuck on the outside.


Head into the scrapyard after opening the gate as Dylan, turn left. And make your way through until you reach the stairway. The camera will pan as you walk along the tops of the cargo containers, revealing the card.

The Hierophant

Head towards the stairs when Abi is in the shelter, and the camera will pan to reveal the hidden card.

While The Hierophant displays a spectacular cutscene, it also cancels out the other cards you’ve collected thus far.


The High Priestess

Tarot Card Location In The Quarry
Tarot Card Location In The Quarry

Head upstairs, left towards the kitchen, then up to the next floor as Kaitlyn in the lodge. When you go close enough to the windows, the camera will display the card on a roof beam.