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Wakizashi Dagger Location In Elden Ring

Wakizashi Dagger Location In Elden Ring

Wakizashi Dagger Location In Elden Ring. The Wakizashi is a dagger variant of Elden Ring’s Katana. And it’s a fantastic weapon for dual-wielders and Dexterity builds alike.

Players can uncover a ludicrous number of weapons in Elden Ring, each with its unique stats, abilities, and special bonuses. Because After taking into account Ashes of War and Affinities. There are nearly infinite combinations and Elden Ring builds to master.

Weapons from Elden Ring’s depiction of Japan, the Land of Reeds, are one of the most unusual. This features the Wakizashi. And a dagger-sized counterpart of the Katana with the same speed and Blood Loss accumulation as its larger brethren. In Elden Ring, the Wakizashi may open up some extremely fascinating builds. Because especially when combined with another Wakizashi or Katana.

Where in Elden Ring Can You Find Wakizashi?

Wakizashi Dagger Location In Elden Ring
Wakizashi Dagger in Elden Ring 1

To use the Wakizashi in an Elden Ring construct, so players must have entered the Caelid area. They should go east of Fort Gael to the Gaol Cave. Which because hidden beneath a cliff near the little lake of Scarlet Rot.

The cave largely filled by Vulgar Militants, Rats, and so the explosive Putrid Corpses. And requires two Stonesword Keys to access.

Players will encounter a series of locked cells because as they explore the Cave. Which can only be freed by reaching because the lever in the built-up portion. But After pulling the lever, players should exit the platform and go to the right through the passage. Turn left at the next drop, and so the Wakizashi. Because As well as another Stonesword Key, will be the first cell on the left.

ALSO READ: All Caelid Bosses Location In Elden Ring

Breakdown of Elden Ring Wakizashi

elden ring waffe wakizashi
elden ring waffe wakizashi

In Elden Ring, the Wakizashi is a one-of-a-kind weapon that so well-suited to agile Bleed-focused and dual-wielding builds. The biggest difference is that the Wakizashi can use Ash of War: Parry. because which allows players to design. And a parrying build based on the Katana. So The following are its main characteristics:

  • Damage type: Slash/Pierce
  • Default Ash of War: Quickstep – A 3 FP/12 Stamina cost move that dodges swiftly to the side.
  • Weight: 3.0
  • Attributes Required: Str 9, Dex 13
  • Attribute Scaling: Str D, Dex D (C)
  • Attack Power: Physical 94, Critical 100
  • Guarded Damage Negation:
    • Physical: 42
    • Magic: 24
    • Fire: 24
    • Lightning: 24
    • Holy: 24
    • Guard Boost: 18
  • Passive Effects:
    • Blood loss buildup (38)
  • Upgrade Material: Smithing Stones

The Wakizashi may powerstanced with either a Katana or but a second Wakizashi. And it has the same move set as two Katanas, but with a few advantages. The biggest difference is that the Wakizashi can use so Ash of War: Parry. Because which allows players to design a parrying build based on the Katana.