Search For A Safe Place To Sleep In Dying Light 2.For the Pilgrim’s Path task, find a safe place to spend the night!
The action-packed, post-apocalyptic setting of Dying Light 2 never fails to keep gamers’ hearts pumping. As you move through the game, you’ll come across quests that are related to the main plot. The Pilgrim’s Path mission is one of the main quests you will experience.
Dying Light 2: Looking For A Safe Place To Sleep
The Pilgrim’s Path mission will teach you the fundamentals of Dying Light’s world. You’ll receive your first weapon after learning how to use your survivor instinct and gather resources. After you’ve obtained your first weapon, it’s time to explore the city on your own.
Your initial objective is to get to the city’s antenna. Follow the task marker until you reach the building, then deal with the infected. It will be nightfall once you enter the building, and you must locate a safe location to sleep.
Climb up the metal pipe on the building’s left side and onto the wooden platform to the left. Using your survivor sense, enter the room and collect some scraps.
A Raggedy Chopper can also be found on the table to your left.
Use your survival sense to inspect the footsteps in the open room to your left. Remove the drawer to expose the broadcast station’s entrance.
You can now relax without any worries!