How To Get Freezer Sac In Monster Hunter Rise.Freezer Sacs are one of the many crafting materials that players will need to make part of the gear in Monster Hunter Rise.
In Monster Hunter Rise, farming and crafting go hand in hand. The Freezer Sac is one such component that may found in a variety of Monster Hunter Rise equipment. This component can found in the quests for High Rank Barrioth and Goss Harag.
Freezer Sac can found in a number of weapons and one item of armour based on the fearsome ice monsters. Players must progress through the village or hub quests until. They reach 4* hunts to gain access to the High Rank quests.
Barioth is a fearsome flying wyvern that can found on the Frost Islands in 5* hunts and higher. It’s vulnerable to fire and thunder. But it impervious to ice, water and dragon harm. The High Rank missions “Raging White-out,” “Sharpening Amber Fangs,” “Grasp the Gunlance,” and “Arena 04” are all aimed at it.
Goss Harag is a massive ice creature with the ability to generate ice blades on its forelegs. It will appear in the Frost Islands at a 7* danger level. It is vulnerable to fire but not to water, ice, or dragon harm. The High Rank missions “Abominable Snow-Beast” and “A Frosty Stalemate” both aimed against it.
Table of Contents
Where Can I Purchase A Freezer Sac?
Patience is the word of the game when it comes to cultivating any Monster Hunter crafting component. Getting one component to drop may require multiple hunts. Furthermore, harvesting all of the resources may take longer than usual if players are attempting to build multiple things. Players can put together a build and break up the monotony of recurring confrontations thanks to the fact that two different creatures share a weakness. The fact that this item has a substantially higher drop rate than some other components also works in the player’s favour.

- Rewards (Target) – 18% x1
- Rewards (Capture) – 14% x2
- Carves (Body) – 20% x1
- Items Obtained by Palico – 14% x1
Also Read:How To Collect All Electro Particles In Genshin Impact
Goss Harag
- Rewards (Target) – 10% x1
- Carves (Body) 9% x1
How to Use Freezer Sac
- Guerrera Cannon I (x3)
- Gelid Soul (x2)
- Heaven’s Glaze (x3)
- Rimeblossom (x2)
- Rielle Unu White (x2)
- Bastizan Edge (x3)
- Nardebosche (x3)
- Tusk Lance II (x3)
- Twinfang II (x3)
- Amber Slash III (x3)
- Ice Crest III (x3)
- Paladire (Charge Blade) (x2)
- Bariguiro II (x2)
- Blizzard Cannon II (x3)
- Amber Piton II (x3)
- Gossglaive II (x3)
- Freezer Speartuna (x2)
- Magia Charmbell (x3)

- Barioth Mail S (x1)
- Vambraces Barioth S (x2)
- Barioth Coil S (x1)
- Goss Harag Mail S (x2)
Resistor Jewel 2 (x1)
Monster Hunter Rise is a game that played on both the Nintendo Switch and the PC.