How To Get Beast Gems In Monster Hunter Rise.Beast Gems are one of the many crafting materials that players will need to make most of the gear in Monster Hunter Rise.
In Monster Hunter Rise, farming and crafting go hand in hand. The Beast Gem is one such component that may be found in a variety of Monster Hunter Rise items.
The Beast Gem can be found in hunts with a high rank. Players must continue through the Hub Quests or Village quests until they achieve 4* to unlock High Rank Monster Hunter Rise hunts.
Table of Contents
Where Can I Get Beast Gems?

Through hunts, a broad variety of monsters will drop the Beast Gem, with percentages fluctuating depending on kill or capture. As a result, a little variety in farming components goes a long way in keeping things from becoming too monotonous. Arzuros, Apex Arzuros, Lagombi, Volvidon, Bishaten, Goss Harag, and Rajang are all targets for players.
Patience is required when farming Beast Gems or any other Monster Hunter crafting component. Getting one component to drop may require multiple hunts. Furthermore, harvesting all of the resources may take longer than usual if players are attempting to build multiple things. Thankfully, with so many monsters dropping this portion, a sizable stockpile can be amassed without much effort.

- Village Quest: 6* Advanced: The Veterans’ Gala – 9% x1
- Hub Quest: 7* Master Utsushi’s Challenge Part 2 – 9% x1
- Hub Quest: 7* Advanced: Scaredy-Cat – 10% x1
Monsters (High Rank)
- Arzuros
- Rewards (Target) – 5% x1
- Rewards (Capture) – 7% x1
- Carves (Body) – 3% x1
- Dropped Materials (Flinch) – 1% x1
- Apex Arzuros
- Rewards (Target) – 6% x1
- Carves (Body) – 4% x1
- Lagombi
- Rewards (Target) – 5% x1
- Rewards (Capture) – 7% x1
- Carves (Body) – 3% x1
- Broken Part Rewards (Head) – 8% x1
- Dropped Materials (Flinch) – 1% x1
- Volvidon
- Rewards (Target) – 7% x1
- Rewards (Capture) – 9% x1
- Carves (Body) – 5% x1
- Dropped Materials (Flinch) – 1% x1
- Bishaten
- Rewards (Target) – 6% x1
- Rewards (Capture) – 8% x1
- Carves (body) – 4% x1
- Broken Part Rewards (Head) – 5% x1
- Dropped Materials (Flinch) – 1% x1
- Goss Harag
- Rewards (Target) – 8% x1
- Rewards (Capture) – 10% x1
- Carves (Body) – 6% x1
- Broken Part Rewards (Head) – 10% x1
- Dropped Materials (Flinch) – 2% x1
- Items Obtained by Palico – 1% x1
- Rajang
- Rewards (Target) – 8% x1
- Rewards (Capture) – 10% x1
- Carves (Body) – 6% x1
- Dropped Materials (Flinch) – 1% x1
What Are the Best Places to Use Beast Gems?
- Arzuros Vambraces S (x1)
- Lagombi Vambraces S (x1)
- Volvidon Helm S (x1)
- Goss Harag Coil S (x1)
- Golden Hakama (x2)
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- Wyvern Chaser (x1)
- Bonesilt Veil (x1)
- Cocky Comrades (x1)
- Wild Grunt (x1)
- Anteka Blaster (x1)
- Anteka Rack (x1)
- Kelbi Strongshot (x1)
- Bombadgy’s Cry (x1)
- Fishergun Arzuros (x1)
- Revelax Arzuros (x1)
- Strikequill Arzuros (x1)
- Honeypot Arzuros (x1)
- Ashigara Axes (x1)
- Barbearic Hammer (x1)
- Zurogong Secundo (x1)
- Lagombavarice (x1)
- Lagomberatrix (x1)
- Longear Weiss (x1)
- Snow Sisters (x1)
- Spheniscine Ruler (x1)
- Iced Rabbit (x1)
- Armored Gogue (x1)
- Rotaxion (x1)
- Vermilingua (x1)
- Volvi Sweep (x1)
- Shatter God (x1)
- Axe of Wisdom (x1)
- Bishaten’s Grace (x1)
- Great Lotus Bowgun (x1)
- Great Pronged Hammer (x1)
- Summit’s Grand Glow (x1)
- Great Demon Lance (x1)
- Rajang’s Rage (x1)
- Ten Thousand Volts (x1)
- Banned Rajang Club (x1)
- Great Demon Gunlance (x1)
- Mane Malice Rajang (x1)
- Catburglar (x1)
- Felyne Fancy (x1)
- Felyne Cannon (x1)
- Grimmige Katze (x1)
- Howlitzer (x1)
- Sleepy Bear (x1)
- Challenger Jewel 2 (x1)
- Crisis Jewel 2 (x1)
- Magazine Jewel 2 (x1)
The PC and Nintendo Switch versions of Monster Hunter Rise are now available.