Trainers in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl have a variety of options for catching Pokemon aside from wild encounters. Certain Pokemon could only be captured utilising the Honey Trees spread across Sinnoh in Diamond/Pearl. In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, this mechanic reappears. However, a new feature called the Grand Underground makes it much easier to find Honey Tree-only Pokemon.

There are a few exceptions to the rule that most Bug-type Pokemon aren’t known for their strength or average numbers. Vespiquen is a Bug/Flying-type Pokemon with a good Special Defense and Defense. Vespiquen, on the other hand, can only be obtained by evolving a female Combee.
Table of Contents
Where to Find and Evolve Combee
Honey Trees and the Grand Underground are the two ways to obtain Combee in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl.
Unfortunately, catching Combee is insufficient. If the Combee is a male, it will not be able to evolve. Trainers will have to keep trying until they catch a female Combee if they desire Vespiquen. The male to female gender ratio in Combee is 87.5 percent for men and 12.5 percent for women. The red, wedge-shaped forehead of female Combees distinguishes them from male Combees. Male Combees lack this feature.
Honey Trees
The Honey Tree method is the first to be unlocked. This entails visiting Floaroma Town and obtaining the Valley Windworks Works Key. Players will then be sent to Floaroma Meadow, where they must combat two Team Galactic Grunts. Trainers can buy Honey and smear it on golden trees all throughout Sinnoh after defeating them.

A Pokemon will appear on Honey Trees after 6 hours. Players will need to apply honey to the tree again every 24 hours, so make sure to check back after 6 hours. Combee has a 22% chance of showing up on common Honey Trees and a 32% chance of showing up on Rare Honey Trees. The level of combees found on Honey Trees can range from level 5 to level 15.
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Grand Underground
Combee can be found in the Grand Underground, which is a faster yet easier route to obtain it. This will not be available until after Cheryl and you have trekked through Eterna Forest and arrived in Eterna City. To access the Grand Underground, obtain the Explorer Kit from the man next door to the Pokemon Center.
There are squares on the Grand Underground Map that appear within the Grand Underground. These are known as hideaways, and they’re where you’ll find Wandering Pokemon. Grand Underground Pokemon will be about level 16 and difficult to catch if you only have the Oreburgh City gym badge. Bring a strong Pokemon team, including at least one that can inflict status illnesses, as well as plenty of Poke Balls.
Combee can be found in the Sunlit Cavern and Grassland Cave hideaways. Players will be able to physically see Combee before entering battle, making it much easier to determine its gender. Leave the room and return until female Combee spawns if Combee does not have the red forehead.
Combee must reach level 21 in order to evolve into Vespiquen. Trainers may just need to feed Combee a Rare Candy to get her from level 20 to 21 in the Grand Underground because she can be as low as level 16 and as high as level 20. If she’s a lesser level, have her fight other Pokemon in the Grand Underground to help her level up.
More Information About Combee & Vespiquen
Although both Combee and Vespiquen are Bug/Flying types, one is substantially stronger than the other and can be a valuable addition to the squad.
Despite having a higher base stat (244) than Pokemon like Kricketot or Caterpie, Combee’s limited movepool and inability to learn all but one TM render it ineffective in battle. Combee can perform the following manoeuvres:
- Sweet Scent
- Gust
- Struggle Bug
- Bug Bite
Meanwhile, Vespiquen has a 474 starting stat total and will learn a range of moves that will provide it with battle coverage.
Pokemon | Base Stats | Base Stat Total |
Combee | HP: 30 | 244 |
Attack: 30 | ||
Defense: 42 | ||
Special Attack: 30 | ||
Special Defense: 42 | ||
Speed: 70 | ||
Vespiquen | HP: 70 | 474 |
Attack: 80 | ||
Defense: 102 | ||
Special Attack: 80 | ||
Special Defense: 102 | ||
Speed: 40 |
The Type-effectiveness of Combee and Vespiquen is the same:
Strengths: | Bug, Grass, Psychic, Dark, Fighting |
Weaknesses: | Rock (x4), Flying, Fire, Electric, Ice |
Resistances: | Bug, Grass, Fighting |
Immunities: | Ground |
Vespiquen and Combee, as dual-type Bug/Flying, are extremely vulnerable to Rock-type techniques. Unfortunately, Vespiquen’s TMs do not give it with much protection against Rock-types. Vespiquen, on the other hand, may learn Poison-type moves such as Sludge Bomb, which are extremely powerful against Fairy and Grass-type Pokemon.
Vespiquen should have a Bold (+Def, -Attk) or an Impish (+Def, -Sp.Attk) Nature because it is a Defensive Pokemon with poor Speed. Vespiquen should avoid any Nature that reduces Defense/Special Defense growth.
Finally, Vespiquen possesses the Ability Pressure, which increases a foe’s PP usage by one PP. Vespiquen has Unnerve as a Hidden Ability, which prevents an opponent from eating its held Berry. Pressure is preferred by Vespiquen over the other Abilities because it does not require the opponent to be holding an Item (Berry) in order to work.