How To Save Game In God of War. It’s crucial to remember to save the game regardless of the title, but it’s especially important in games as long as God of War. God of War isn’t short on material, with a rich main storey, a slew of side quests, and a plethora of secrets to discover. In reality, it one of the previous generation’s most tightly packed games.

God of War, like many other current games, employs an auto-save mechanism that saves progress after significant game events. This, however, may not be as up-to-date as players would like. Others, on the other hand, prefer to save a game manually before turning it off for the day. Whatever the case may be, saving progress in God of War is as simple as pressing a few buttons.
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Saving the Game in God of War (2018)

- Press Options on the controller to bring up the menu
- Press Triangle for “Options” in the menu
- Select “Save”
That is all there is to it. Three basic measures will ensure that a player’s growth well documented. Furthermore, God of War does not use specific save places, allowing players to save their game whenever they want. To avoid excessive repetition, this could done before a particularly challenging encounter or after finishing a difficult challenge. It’s especially useful to have a save ready to load when taking on tasks like the Valkyries, which known for taking days to complete.
Once the modding community gets their hands on God of War, saving on the PC version will likely become even more critical. It will be crucial to be able to play several versions of the game, including “clean” versions and ones with Kratos and Atreus replaced with Yoda and Grogu.
This is especially true when trying out different mods. They might be volatile at times, so having a known good place to fall back on is important. And, on occasion, people simply want to be able to return to a “pure” version of the game after considerable tweaking, so they’ll create a save just for that purpose.
God of War was first launched in 2018 as a PlayStation exclusive. Its plot takes up after Kratos has fled his kingdom after slaughtering the Greek pantheon. Following the death of his wife, Kratos and his son Atreus must embark on a journey to scatter her ashes in her home realm. Fans and critics alike praised it for its heartfelt plot, amazing visuals, stunning soundtrack, and engaging gameplay.