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Farming Credits Guide In Icarus

Farming Credits Guide In Icarus. While playing Icarus, you will come across two different sorts of cash. The yellow currency is equivalent to conventional money earned after fulfilling a prospect, however the purple currency is an exotic resource that must be mined on the planet directly.

We’ll go over how to farm the yellow currency, which we’ll refer to as credits, in this guide. Credits are required to unlock the blueprints for a number of exotic goods on the workshop technology tree, therefore keep them on hand at all times. Let’s start with some brief prospects that you may accomplish to get credits.

Quick Prospects To Earn Credits

Strange Harvest Bio-Research is a good place to go if you want to gain credits rapidly. After the instructional and Livewire Terrain Scan, this is the third prospect you’ll unlock.

Overall, you must travel around the map and collect samples from three distinct flowers in order to complete this task. The flowers will be available at the following sites.

Flower 1Center of J-14this refers to the grid box on the menu
Flower 2Upper lefthand corner of L-14
Flower 3Middle/left side of L-12

This opportunity does not necessitate conflict; but, you are likely to encounter a dangerous monster, such as a bear. If this occurs, you have the option of fleeing quietly or attempting to kill the beast. You should only participate in fight if you have the required weapons and protection, just like any other creature in Icarus.

You may complete this prospect in 10 to 15 minutes and get 50 credits if you work swiftly. This isn’t the most credits, but after a few tries, you’ll get the hang of it and be able to gain more credits quickly.

High-Paying Prospects

Most prospects will give you between 100 and 200 credits in general. If you’re wanting to farm credits on one of these longer possibilities, go with one you’re already familiar with. The Livewire Terrain Scan prospect, for example, will provide you 100 credits. This is your first real prospect, and it entails setting up three radar scanners in strategic areas. This concept may be challenging the first time you do it, but if you’ve been playing for a while and are at a higher level, you can absolutely go back and do it quickly.

You’ll come across creatures at each radar spot while completing the Livewire Terrain Scan. These beasts are extremely hazardous and can easily kill you if you are not careful; pack plenty of food, healing items, and weapons with you. The hurdles you’ll face during each objective are listed below.

ObjectiveCreatures Present
Scan 12 Bears
Scan 24 Wolves
Scan 32 Cougars

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Deep Vein Extraction

You must find an exotic order deposit and mine for exotic material in the Deep Vein Extraction prospect. This is a straightforward prospect that will net you 150 credits and up to 32 exotics. Despite the fact that you must bring exotics to the dropship, you will be free to retain any extras you find. You can repeat this prospect as many times as you want, and each time you will be rewarded with credits and exotic material.

You must travel to the designated spot in the polar biome once you have landed on Icarus. All you have to do now is mine some exotic ore and return it to your dropship. You can also gather ore from a variety of different unique ore nodes. Overall, this assignment should not be too difficult; all you need to do is ready to enter the arctic biome’s harsh temperatures.

Spending Credits

Finally, let’s have a look at how you can use your credits. You may access the workshop menu from your orbiter. You’ll notice a tree of goods that can be unlocked here. Credits and exotic material will be used to unlock many of these things, while exotic material will be used to unlock the more complex items.

You will not have to spend credits to unlock an item once you have spent them. You will spend additional credits to recreate the item rather than using resources. If you pay credits to unlock and build a pickaxe, for example, you’ll have to spend more credits if it breaks. Fortunately, these products are extremely durable and do not break easily, so you won’t have to worry about running out of credits.

In Icarus, that’s all there is to know about farming credits! Make a point of visiting the workshop the next time you finish a prospect.

Farming Credits Guide In Icarus