Where To Find Takashi Mysterious Conch In Genshin Impact.Takashi, an NPC on the beaches of northern Kannazuka in Genshin Impact, requests conch shells in return for treasure chests.
In the new location of Genshin Impact, there are demanding new objectives to complete. Around Araumi, players can encounter a variety of bizarre and difficult Electro puzzles, complex tasks involving placing shrines in order with a Ward, and more. Takashi’s objective, on the other hand, is incredibly simple: obtain some Mysterious Conch shells in return for goodies.
Updated by Nahda Nabiilah on December 10, 2021: Mysterious Conches are quest items that may be found on Tatarasuna’s shore in Inazuma. Takashi will tell the players to give him Mysterious Conches in exchange for opening one Common Chest when they chat with him. Takashi will confess that he intended to sell these conches since they were once polluted by the Tatarigami when asked why he wanted to collect them. This hidden task will unlock some stuff and hidden accomplishments, therefore travellers should not miss it.
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Takashi’s Location

The NPC Takashi may be found in Tatarasuna, in the centre island of Inazuma known as Kannazuka. He’s hiding out in a little beach cottage on the peninsula to the island’s north, west of Nazuchi Beach. Three common chests are located behind him in his hut when players see him.
However, if players try to engage with these chests, Genshin Impact will prevent them from looting them. Players must first speak with Takashi and give him something in exchange for these three chests.
Finding Mysterious Conch Shells for Takashi
The NPC Takashi may be found in Tatarasuna, in the centre island of Inazuma known as Kannazuka. He’s hiding out in a little beach cottage on the peninsula to the island’s north, west of Nazuchi Beach. Three common chests are located behind him in his hut when players see him.

The HUD will not offer players an indication of where to seek for these shells because this isn’t a mission in the game. Given Takashi’s cabin’s location and the fact that the Conches are seashells, it makes sense to begin the search on the beach near his hut.

The Mysterious Conch shells appear to only spawn on the peninsula’s shore and in shallow waters. There are various spots listed on the map where players may locate some of these shells on the beach or in walkable-level ocean water. Look for small sparkles to indicate where the shells are.
Getting the Common Treasure Chests

Players can return to Takashi once they have collected at least three shells. He’ll trade three Mysterious Shells for the keys to his house’s three Common Chests, which he’ll unlock and loot. Takashi will only allow players to access one of the three chests, so bear that in mind. This means they’ll have to return every day to open a new one. Players should not expect anything very valuable inside these Common Chests because they are Common Chests. The following are some of the possible rewards for completing this task:
- Cabbages ×1-3
- Tomatoes ×1-2
- Potatoes ×1
- Apples ×1-3
- Wheat ×1-2
- Sunsettias ×1-3
- Iron Chunks ×1-3
- White Iron Chunks ×1
- Crystal Chunk ×1

Aside from the above-mentioned ordinary things, players can obtain two valuable items. The Bag of Flower Seeds is the first. It will be provided on the second day of Takashi’s chests being opened. If visitors offer this bag to Hanayama Kaoru in Tatarasuna, they will be able to access a series of hidden tasks that will net them a sizable sum of Mora.
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Takashi Mysterious Conch
Players must converse with the woman twice to activate it. Wait one real-life day after handing her the item before speaking to her again. Hanayama Kaoru will award the Second Blooming achievement after the third day. Not only will completing this hidden quest award you the accomplishment, but it will also modify the scenery of the area. There are a lot of decorative flowers, as well as Sweet Flowers, Mints, and Crystalflies, which players will notice.
Players should keep in mind, however, that Hanayama Kaoru will not emerge unless the Tatara Tales World Quest is completed. Players will need approximately 10 days to complete this achievement.

The second item, Diagram: Hamayumi, only accessible after the seventh chest opened. It will allow players to create the Hamayumi, a 4-Star bow. Obtaining the bow’s schematic will also grant you the Thank you, Come Again secret achievement.
This no-cost bow used by a variety of characters. Yoimiya, Tartaglia, Ganyu, and the main DPS Fischl, for example. The passive of the bow fully utilised by these characters. It requires them to keep their Energy at 100 percent, so either they don’t use their Elemental Burst or the units may fast restore their Energy.
Mysterious Conch Respawn Rates in Genshin Impact

In Genshin Impact, the Mysterious Conches do reappear. Fortunately for players, it appears that the first time they take a tour around the perimeter of the peninsula, they will be able to collect approximately seven conch shells. Every day, four of these shells will return in different locations, allowing gamers to explore more of Takashi’s treasures throughout his home.
Genshin Impact a game that played on a mobile device, a PC, a PlayStation 4, or a PlayStation 5.