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Battlefield 2042: How To Control Recoil

Battlefield 2042: How To Control Recoil When playing a first-person shooter game, it is normal to be completely destroyed by more experienced players.

Experienced gamers will often be beside and surprised by beginners, who can jump in chaotic gunfights and walk away unharmed after knocking down a few enemies.

Most players who try to imitate the behavior of really good players immediately know that things are not as easy as some experienced people say.

For a novice, one of the most difficult things is to always aim and hit the most bullets when shooting with a rifle or SMG. The recoil of these weapons is a challenge in itself, keeping the gun away from the target and often dying for failing to knock down the enemy in time.

For this reason, we decided to write a guide to help players learn how to control recoil in Battlefield 2042.

Although these skills do not immediately solve the player’s problem when aiming, it will undoubtedly help to follow our guidance and practice.

The Two Different Types of Recoil

The battlefield gun has horizontal recoil and vertical recoil. Everyone has their own characteristics and different ways of dealing with them.

Vertical recoil

This is the recoil that moves the target up when you hold the trigger. When you aim your head for the first time, this often makes you miss the subsequent shots.

Vertical recoil is fairly easy to learn how to control because it only develops in one direction. After you pull the trigger, the vertical recoil will push your gun up, and you can drag the mouse down to compensate.

Although it may sound easy to handle, it is not the case and requires practice. You need to get used to a gun and try to consciously control its recoil when shooting.

The recoil of each weapon is different, you won’t feel that the rifle has no recoil, but with practice, you can become more precise.

Or, you can choose accessories that make vertical recoil less problematic and easier to control.

Horizontal recoil

This is difficult to handle because it goes in two directions instead of just one like vertical recoil.

In this case, the gun will swing from side to side. This recoil, combined with vertical recoil, is usually the cause of great difficulty in controlling a particular weapon.

In that case, you may just choose the weapon that you think is the easiest to aim for. If you have an assault rifle that you feel you have better control than others, you probably need to continue using it.

Tips for controlling recoil

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Players can do a few things to reduce the sway of the weapon a bit when they need to hold the trigger.

Fire in a short time

Instead of holding down the trigger and unloading all the bullets on the target, try using many short bursts. This makes the weapon much easier to handle and can also improve visibility in some situations by avoiding unwanted dust covering the target.

Short bursts are especially effective with weapons such as assault rifles and certain SMGs.

Get down while aiming

Strike can help you avoid enemy forces, but it can also make it difficult for you to control your recoil and hit the target. Therefore, if you do this with a weapon that is difficult to control, you may check the attachment that controls the horizontal recoil.

However, there are some ways to solve this problem. When you squat or lie on the ground by holding down Ctrl or pressing Z, recoil becomes less problematic.

You do become a stationary target, but if you suddenly squat down and knock down an enemy, you may be more likely to survive than having to deal with the recoil of the weapon while moving left and right.

Final thoughts

Recoil control requires practice. Each weapon has a different feel and different recoil. Some guns have a very high rate of fire and can produce a lot of recoil. These weapons should probably not be controlled.

LCMG and PP-29 are some good low recoil early game guns, but they may require some attack power

Once you find a good weapon with low recoil, practice with it, try out different attachments, and practice firing from a distance until you get the hang of it.

Battlefield 2042: How To Control Recoil