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How To Get The Heritage Gun In Deathloop

How To Get The Heritage Gun In Deathloop

How To Get The Heritage Gun In Deathloop. Is brimming with Arsenal Leads, which provide Colt with unique guns not found elsewhere. These, however, are not so easy to obtain. To obtain the firearm, players are frequently required to complete a simple or complex quest.

The Heritage Gun in Deathloop is a multi-purpose shotgun that anyone who enjoys close-quarters combat should own. This guide will teach players everything they need to know about unlocking this weapon. The requirements for unlocking the Heritage Gun in Deathloop vary depending on the player and the loop. The short version of how to win the Heritage Gun is to go to a building in Karl’s Bay at night and then open a series of boxes before a fin.

In Deathloop, where can I find the Heritage Gun?

The first step in obtaining the Heritage Gun is to visit Karl’s Bay at night. Right after exiting, the player will overhear two guards discussing a nearby box. Take a look at what they’re doing, and the two guards will open the box, causing it to explode.

Follow the road with the two guards on the right. There is a building at the end of it. This is the location of the Heritage Gun. Next to it is a map with the locations of the boxes Colt must find. Charlie Montague will begin speaking and will announce the game’s rules.

The boxes either contain small gifts or explode when opened. Take a look at the slots that are spinning in front of you to see which outcome you will get. If

Box Locations

Several of the box locations change with each leap, but there are a couple that always stays the same. These boxes always show up during the quest:

  • Dawn Of Reason: In the middle of the map underneath a cave is a bar called the Dawn of Reason. Flip the switch nearby to open the door. To the left is a room locked by a combination. To figure out the combination, look around the room for white circles with tally marks in the center. The paintings are all in two different places, and the player has to stand at the right spot in the room to see it from the right perspective. Once players flip the first switch, they are on a timer that fails the quest for the day, forcing gamers to restart the loop. However, there is also a way to sneak into the Dawn of Reason and find out the combination at one’s leisure.
  • The 2nd hangar: This is the same hangar where Harriet is in the morning. The box is locked and there are several switches scattered around the area. Once the player pulls the first lever, a countdown starts and they have to pull all the other switches in sequence. The next can be found by listening to how loud or quiet the clicking sound is. There is no penalty for failure so players can try as many times as they need.

Other Important Boxes

All the other boxes change with each loop. Just take a look at the map for the locations. Most of them are simply surrounded by guards, but there are a few that require special tactics to reach.

  • In between the two hangars: This one is surrounded by proximity mines. If Colt sets off one too close to the box, the box blows up and he fails the Arsenal Lead. A trinket lets players hack mines and deactivate them Otherwise, crouch slowly towards it and listen for the beeps. The mines can be deactivated by hand before getting too close. Do not shoot them, otherwise the box might be caught in the blast
  • The first hangar: this box is surrounded by trip mines. There are several ways to reach it, but the easiest is by going to the second floor and dropping down to it from the left side of the room. Having the Trinket with the double jump and the Shift Slab helps to navigate the minefield.

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  • Outside the hangar: This one is under a plane outside the second hangar. It is surrounded by turrets that quickly kill Colt. Stay behind cover and hack the turrets. Players have to be relatively close and in the player’s sites to hack, but once hacking starts Colt can be a little further away and behind cover.

The Final Challenge

Once all the boxes are open, Charlie announces that there is one more prize to be had if the player is fast enough. Return to the room with the map as fast as possible and open the door with the green light over it. There is one more obstacle course to accomplish.

Players must pull them in a specific order before the timer runs out, similar to the switch puzzle in the second hangar. If a player trips the blue wires, the challenge fails and must be restarted. Shift will also be useless because it is impossible to use slabs here. The countdown isn’t difficult as long as you know where the switches are. Play it slowly and steadily, and Colt will have plenty of time to activate all of the switches.

After completing the challenge, the case in the previous room is unlocked, and Colt now possesses the Heritage Gun.

The Heritage Weapon

One of the few guns with two distinct firing modes is the Heritage Gun, which is both a shotgun and a rifle. It makes use of s

The Heritage Gun requires a large amount of Residuum to be infused. It would be a shame to put in all the effort only to lose the gun because players couldn’t afford to infuse it. Make sure you have enough Residuum or expendable items to sacrifice to infuse the weapon. If players do not infuse it the next day, they will have to repeat the Arsenal Lead.

How To Get The Heritage Gun In Deathloop