Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun Best Powerful Teams To Build.The Raiden Shogun banner has come to an end, and many lucky gamers have gotten their hands on this character. After you’ve obtained this formidable character, these are the greatest Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun teams you should create.
Table of Contents
Yoimiya & Raiden Shogun
Yoimiya is a Pyro character who can use her elemental burst to make pyrotechnics. This character can apply the Pyro elemental effect to a huge number of enemies when she utilises her burst. Then you change to Raiden Shogun and use her elemental bursts or abilities. Their components will combine to create a potent Overloaded reaction.

Yoimiya can also cover mid-range and long-range fighting, but the Raiden Shogun is only capable of melee combat. Then, during the resting period of Hypostasis Bosses, you switch to the Raiden Shogun and attack them with Yoimiya during their active stage.
For this Yoimiya and Raiden Shogun team, you should also select Zhongli and Xingqiu for two other slots.

Hyper Raiden
Kujou Sara and Bennett must be on this team. They’ll bestow the Raiden Shogun attack bonus on you. Additionally, Kazuha’s elemental burst will disperse the elemental DMG of these reactions, lowering the enemy’s resistance. Kazuha’s attacks also support Raiden Shogun’s burst by increasing Electro DMG and grouping foes. If you don’t have Kujou Sara from the same banner, you can get the similar effect with Lisa.

Hu Tao & Raiden Shogun
You’ll also need Xingqiu and Zhongli in addition to Hu Tao and Raiden Shogun. Xingqiu will assist her in healing and generating the Vaporize response. Zhongli is a fantastic sub DPS who can use Geo columns to absorb damage and slow down adversaries. The Raiden Shogun will use her Electro on adversaries before Hu Tao unleashes her wild burst to cause responses in this team.

Hu Tao, a Pyro DPS character, can take out a monster of the same level in a few elemental bursts if you level him up to 90. Hu Tao is one of the game’s most potent DPS heroes. Obtain crystals created by Zhongli’s elemental reaction in order to form a solid shield.

Eula &Â Raiden Shogun
The Eula x Raiden team is one of the best Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun teams. Eula possesses an extraordinarily powerful elemental burst that sprays sharp ice spikes across a huge area. This Cryo DPS character’s greatest duo partner is now Raiden Shogun.
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Raiden Shogun may strike foes with her powerful elemental talents and bursts to cause Superconduct responses once Eula releases her burst. Eula and Raiden Shogun’s combination can deal both physical and elemental DMG to foes. Fischl and Diona are required for two other slots in addition to this duo.

National Team

The National Team is the last team in the top five best Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun teams. Baal, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett are among the characters. Wish Banners have a good possibility of giving you Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett. This team’s strength originates from elemental reactions. As a result, you can join up with Baal using other characters who have similar elements or skills.
Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun Best Powerful Teams To Build
These are the five best Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun teams that you should build. You can also replace some of them with other characters if you want.