CIV 6 Kublai Khan Guide. Kublai Khan is one of the leaders available in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. He leads the Chinese civilization and the Mongolian civilization. Here’s a general guide on how to play as Kublai Khan in Civilization VI:
Table of Contents
Ability: Gerege
- Chinese cities receive a 10% bonus to district yields if they are adjacent to a city center.
- Mongolian units receive +3 combat strength and +1 movement if they start their turn adjacent to a trading post or a city belonging to a different civilization.
Unique Unit: Keshig
- Replaces the Cavalry unit.
- Receives a ranged attack ability, allowing it to attack without using a movement point.
Unique Improvement: Ordu
- Replaces the Stable.
- Provides +1 production and +25% production towards cavalry units.
- Gains additional bonuses if built next to a pasture, such as +1 food and +1 production.
General Tips for Playing as Kublai Khan:

- Leverage the Unique Ability: Take advantage of the Gerege ability by carefully planning your city layouts to maximize the adjacency bonuses for districts. Prioritize placing districts adjacent to your city centers to maximize their yields.
- Establish Trade Routes: Focus on establishing trade routes with other civilizations to benefit from the Mongolian unit bonus. Having your units start adjacent to trading posts or foreign cities will grant them combat strength and movement bonuses, giving you an edge in warfare.
- Exploit the Keshig: Use the Keshig unit’s ranged attack ability to your advantage. It allows you to soften up enemy units before engaging in direct combat. This makes the Keshig effective in hit-and-run tactics, harassing enemy forces from a distance.
- Capitalize on Cavalry Units: With the Ordu improvement providing a production bonus for cavalry units, aim to field a strong cavalry army. Mongolian cavalry units are powerful and fast, allowing you to swiftly conquer enemy cities and dominate the battlefield.
- Domination Victory Focus: Kublai Khan’s abilities and unique units lend themselves well to a domination victory. With his combat bonuses and production bonuses towards cavalry units, you can build a formidable military and swiftly conquer enemy civilizations.
- Utilize Diplomacy: As Kublai Khan, you have the option to lead either the Chinese or Mongolian civilization. Make use of diplomatic relations to form alliances and trade with other civilizations. Utilize your diplomatic strength to maintain good relations with neighbors and secure trade routes for your units.
Remember that these tips are general guidelines, and your strategy may need to adapt based on the specific game circumstances, map layout, and the actions of other civilizations in your game. Good luck in your conquests with Kublai Khan in Civilization VI!
CIV 6 Kublai Khan Guide

Civilization 6 received 6 new DLC packs as part of the New Frontier Pass, from Maya & Gran Colombia to Portugal. The Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack, one of the more substantial DLCs included in the New Frontier Pass, added BÃ Triu of Vietnam and Kublai Khan of both China and Mongolia to the Civilization 6 cast.
Learn More: What to Grow for the Ginger Island Frog Stardew Valley
Kublai Khan, who was the legendary Genghis Khan’s grandson, spent his whole life enlarging the Mongolian Empire’s borders into China. In 1271, he established the Yuan dynasty and crowned himself Emperor of China and Mongolia. Kublai Khan is available in Civilization 6 as both a Chinese and a Mongolian Leader, reflecting his dual citizenship.
Characteristics and Skills of Mongolian Kublai Khan
In his Mongolian Persona, Kublai Khan is identical to his paternal ancestor Genghis. In terms of Civilization Ability, Keshig Unique Unit, and Unique Building. However, he is able to fully benefit from the fast Trading Posts provided by Mongolia’s rtöö thanks to his Leader Ability Gerege.
Become Chinese Kublai Khan in video games

In every Civilization 6 Government, Kublai Khan is given an additional Economic Policy Slot thanks to the first portion of his Gerege Ability. Strong Trade Routes are something that Mongolian Kublai Khan will want to create as soon as feasible. The additional Economic Policy Slot can be used to increase yields even in the Ancient Era. Players will be able to build up the Diplomatic Visibility that will strengthen their Keshig troops when the time comes to follow in the warlike footsteps of Genghis himself with a steady flow of Traders into neighbouring areas and City-states.
By giving the Mongolian Kublai Khan a free Eureka and Inspiration each time he begins a Trade Route to a new City. And receives the Mongolian instant Trading Post, the second portion of Gerege works well with this playing style. These Eurekas can speed players down the technology tree to essential Mongolian technologies like Horseback Riding and Stirrups with enough early Trade Routes. Enabling them to roll their neighbours with cavalry before appropriate defences can be created. Players can choose to continue fighting in order to achieve a Civilization 6 Domination Victory once they have gained dominance over their immediate region. Or they can use the economic advantages of their extended territory to pursue Science, Culture, or Diplomacy.
Kublai Khan: A Solid Civilization 6?
China under Kublai Khan is a superior commerce and scientific culture with outstanding defence capabilities. The preferred route to triumph is through cooperation with other civilizations rather than through hostility.