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Evil Genius 2 Best Base Design Layout

Evil Genius 2 Best Base Design Layout

Evil Genius 2 Best Base Design Layout. Building the ideal base in Evil Genius 2: World Domination is a true art. While there are undoubtedly several lair types that are better suited to various playing techniques and strategies, the top-performing bases throughout the game seem to share a number of characteristics.

Players can optimise their Evil Genius 2 base by keeping corridors at the right length, making sure that fire extinguishers are easy to reach, and strategically placing rooms. But there’s more to it than meets the eye, so this tutorial offers some useful advice for improving any base in Evil Genius 2.

Evil Genius 2 Best Base Design Layout

Construct Over Several Floors
Construct Over Several Floors

The ability to construct bases spanning several floors is one advantage Evil Genius 2 has over the first Evil Genius. To make the absolute most use of the floorspace provided to a single player. Players might dig beneath or expand atop the current casino space they are granted for their island.

More delicate, risky spaces like Vaults and Communication Rooms should located on floors above the ground floor for practical reasons. When positioned higher up, they will take enemy Agents longer to reach them than if they were positioned on the base’s first floor.

Stats Can Be Boosted By Decor

Many Evil Genius 2 players ignore the possibility to instal decor that raises Minions’ stats as a part of base construction. Items like coffee makers and water fountains, which can found on the décor tab of the base-building screen. Are an excellent method to delay the loss of stats like Morale and Smarts among Minions and don’t cost much to instal.

Maintaining Minions’ stats as high as possible for as long as possible will make them more effective and reduce the amount of rest they need. As a result, purchasing this kind of decor is unquestionably worthwhile.

Position Rooms Wisely

Position Rooms Wisely
Position Rooms Wisely

In order to make sure that the layout of every base in Evil Genius 2 flows. Makes logical sense, and is as practical as feasible, the layout must have a specific function. After all, efficiency is a must for achieving global dominance.

Building specific sorts of rooms as near together as possible is one approach to accomplish this. For instance, it makes perfect sense to place armies adjacent to vaults. Due to their close proximity, the guards will able to respond quickly and neutralise any threats. Posed by infiltration attempts into the base’s vaults. Building Labs next to Canteens a practical approach to keep scientists as productive. As possible because they tend to utilise the Canteen more frequently than other classes of Minions.

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Use Casino Floorspace Again

Players will probably discover that they can make better use of the majority of the floorspace. Available to them that the Casino is occupying as they go through Evil Genius 2’s campaign. Thankfully. The Casino can easily modified to make it more useful for pretty much any reason that the player deems appropriate.

The Casino essentially just has to function as a façade for its customer base. Beyond that, the wicked genius is free to use the space anyway they choose. When money hard to come by, selling part of the casino’s decor. Early on can be a good method to obtain a boost.

Access To Fire Extinguishers Is Simple

Access To Fire Extinguishers Is Simple

In Evil Genius 2, fire extinguishers are actually an essential component in effectively neutralising threats to the player’s base. They are installable at the player’s discretion, and they can used to save their base as needed.

It is a good idea to freely place fire extinguishers all over the base. Players should make sure they have several fire extinguishers close to each generator in their base, in particular. In Evil Genius 2, saboteurs frequently target Generators, setting them ablaze. Fire extinguishers are crucial in putting out any fires as rapidly as possible, just like in real life. In order to help neutralise any threat to the base.

Ideally, corridors should be four squares wide

Although it may seem mundane, many of the traps and doors in Evil Genius 2 have the same layouts. Players must be careful to accommodate this need because they fit best into passageways that are four squares wide.

When players first gain control of the base. The corridors are actually set up in this manner. The simplest approach to guarantee that traps and doors. Fit into all of the base’s corridors and can be readily moved and relocated as needed is to adhere to this layout. In Evil Genius 2, time-saving techniques like these can be the difference between success and failure.


Which of Evil Genius 2's lairs is the best?

Gemelas Montaas

  • It has the largest total area for excavating.
  • It boasts beautiful views that will distract people from your cover operation.
  • An effective defence is choked off by the stone bridge.