Apex Legends Spellbound Event Patch Notes. The Spellbound Collection Event will add a new cosmetic collection to the game (including a new Heirloom Weapon for Seer). And a free reward track to the award-winning battle royale Apex Legends, according to developer Respawn Entertainment.
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Apex Legends Spellbound Event Patch Notes
But this new Collection Event offers players more than just cosmetic gifts; it also makes some significant gameplay adjustments. Read on to learn about all the improvements coming to Apex Legends when the Spellbound Collection Event opens. Including incentives for spawning into active matches and the option to organise your own private matches.
When the event launches on January 10, the well-liked Control LTM scheduled to return, but not before undergoing some changes. A player time to sorted into a match that already underway has also extended. So it is less likely that your team will find itself severely overwhelmed by the opposition. Until one team achieves a score of 625 or there is a 300-point score differential between teams, matchmaking will attempt to fill open player slots.
But if the prospect of thrown into a match that is already in process makes you cringe. Fear not: as of the Spellbound update, joining a match that is already in progress now has a benefit. Players that placed in an active match will bypass the initial spawn wave. Spawn with purple armour (helmet included), and instantly advance one Ratings Tier (read: purple weapons and a fully-charged ultimate). In addition, regardless of the result, all players now get an extra 150 XP just for finishing a match. To help level the playing field, struggling teams will also receive a small boost. If a team is trailing by 62 points or more, they will also miss any spawn waves until the score changes.
On the following maps will used for Control during the event:
World’s Edge: Lava Siphon Storm Point: Barometer Olympus: Hammond Labs
Gameplay adjustments
While legends and weaponry n’t getting much attention in the future patch. Other aspects will introduced or changed when the new event goes live. Control isn’t the only component of the game that will change, either. Funny enough, one of these addresses a long-standing Firing Range problem. The transition between legends in the Firing Range will be more seamless, according to the patch notes. Apparently indicates that the current legend won’t suddenly die and ragdoll as if they had just wasted in GTA Online when a new legend is chosen.
Of course, more significant changes are also coming. The fault that occasionally causes out-of-bounds dropships to spawn from Mobile Respawn Beacons has resolved. As have problems with ability previews when going through Wraith’s portals. Decoy issues that Mirage was experiencing when they placed too close to a Wattson’s Pylons have also resolved.
Damage for the G7 Scout, which will be joining the Replicator with the C.A.R. SMG, has decreased from 34 to 32. Back at the ground’s loot pool will be the Peacekeeper and Spitfire. Additionally, the Sentinel now only needs one Shield cell to charge rather than two. While the damage output of the Prowler (the weapon, not the bloodthirsty inhabitants of Storm Point’s PvE POIs) has increased from 14 to 15.
The update looks to primarily focused on adjustments to quality of life. Even though these are minor adjustments, gamers are likely to appreciate them. For example, Caustic’s barrels’ gas flare VFX have reduced, and all doors now visually show damage. If they are one hit from from being demolished. Among the adjustments for the next version is a problem where one of Bloodhound’s skins failed to represent their raven as white.

Apex 101
A collection of “Welcome Challenges” among the most intriguing new elements that have included. There are a total of 10 Welcome Challenges, and their purpose is to aid new and unfamiliar players in orienting themselves to the game. The new Apex 101 banner badge will awarded to players who complete all 10 Welcome Challenges.
The inclusion of these challenges might accompanied by a previously datamined tutorial trailer. As the fully animated CGI trailer, which included voiceovers from the legends’ voice actors. Seemed to targeted at new players who might require a more thorough introduction to the game than what provided in the current tutorial. This should taken with a grain of salt, though, as with all datamined content; it always conceivable that the trailer completely destroyed.
Individual matches
The introduction of private matches is another significant feature coming to Apex. All players will have access to a new UI section where they can start their own private matches once the Spellbound Collection Event begins. There isn’t much information available about this feature right now. But a recent developer blog post about the event states that a FAQ. Will be published closer to the debut date of the Spellbound Collection.
One more change is coming, but it not quite ready to shown yet. Respawn posted an image of a graph earlier this week that depicted the findings of experiments. The company had been conducting on a new skill-based matchmaking system. Players have long voiced their displeasure with Apex’s poor matchmaking. But recent months have seen a rise in complaints about unbalanced lobbies and requests for “mercy” from the game’s developer. The playerbase reacted with enthusiasm and thanks to Respawn’s tweet, which demonstrated a significant boost in the amount of kills the typical player receives in a match under the new matchmaking method.
Next Tuesday, January 10, at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Yhe Spellbound Collection Event will start and last until January 24. The entire patch notes from the developers are provided below, or you can read Respawn’s blog article to learn more about the occasion:
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Patch Notes

- Join In Progress continued into the contest ( Matchmaking will try to fill empty player. Slots until 1 team has a score of 625 or there is a score difference of 300 between the teams)
- Players that join an ongoing match receive various beneficial bonuses for their initial spawn:
Leave out the initial spawn wave. - Purple-colored spawn with a helmet
- Get the whole Ratings Tier ( Purple Weapons and an Ultimate Charge)
- Control now receives a new end-of-match XP award (150 XP for completing a match).
- A team skips spawn waves if it is down by 62 points or more.
- On the MRB in-world icon, a distance indicator has added.
- On the MRB spawn point Map Icon, a Time Remaining Indicator has added.
- When MRB placement is not possible, display a hint message outlining the reason placement is failing (too close to friendly or enemy Home Base, too close to a Zone).
- Instead of 90 seconds, Bloodhound hints clear up after 30 seconds.
- When the player who left the Bloodhound hints behind dies, remove them (except for the player death clue).
- Additional spawn tuning has made in an effort to stop players from spawning close to adversaries.
- When navigating menus in-game, make the Inventory Tab the default (instead of Scoreboard).
Loadouts have updated based on weapon meta changes, bug fixes, and crash fixes.
Rotation in Crafting
- G7 Scout walks into the maker
- C.A.R. SMG steps inside the maker.
- Spitfire gets back on the ground.
- Peacekeeper gets back on the ground.
Hop-Up Anvil Receiver
- Lowering the limb damage multiplier to 0.75 (was 0.9)
- Damage to flatlines is down to 39. (was 43)
- Damage from R301 is now 32 (was 35)
Scout G7
- Damage is down to 32. (was 34)
- PDW Prowler Burst
- Damage rose to fifteen (was 14)
- Now, 1 shield cell needed to energise (was 2)

- Fixed mirage decoys not displaying shield regeneration effects. When in Control or Gun Game mode or next to a Wattson Pylon.
- To aid new players in learning Apex, 10 brand-new Welcome Challenges have introduced.
- All 10 Welcome Challenges must completed to earn the new “Apex 101” badge.
- There is now a better third-person transition when switching characters on the Firing Range.
- Fixed a rare issue where the Mobile Respawn Beacon would occasionally spawn the Dropship outside of the designated area.
- Problem with ability previews when accessing Phase Portals has fixed.
- When a door within one melee attack away from destroyed, it now always shows as damaged.
- Loot canisters from Caustic Town Takeover now act more consistently in Control Mode.
- Reduced the VFX for the gas flash from Caustic.
- IMC Armories’ sporadic client crashes fixed.
- The raven on Bloodhound Niflheim Hundr skin altered to more consistently seem white.
- The Brightness slider has supported in all Display Modes in the DirectX 12 beta.
- Fixed problem with setting.mat backbuffer count “0” in videoconfig.txt settings in the DirectX 12 beta.
- It should noted that the operating system must use an additional. Buffer for compositing in Apex Legends while it is running in DirectX 11 (DX11).
- Which not included in the mat backbuffer count. Since DX12 has that necessary buffer included in mat backbuffer count, full-screen DX12 with “1” will have the same low latency as DX11 with “0.”
- Fixed a problem that allowed Crypto to inspect while flying their drone without the HUD.
- The lobby tab’ inability to respond following a PC resolution change has fixed.
- Controller players examining weapons in loadouts now have more responsive hold and tap logic.
On PC and console, Apex Legends is a free game to play. Apex Legends Mobile, a mobile version of the game, downloaded for Android and iOS gadgets.
It was Spellbound Event