How To Do Extraction Dark And Darker 2023. An FPS survival game called Dark and Darker allows users to battle other players as well as skeletons, zombies, flying skulls, and other enemies in dungeons. To kill adversaries, collect loot, and perform extraction without dying is the game’s main goal. It is challenging to locate the extraction spots on the map because of the dungeons’ extreme darkness and large number of opponents.
How To Do Extraction Dark And Darker 2023
The focus of the Dark & Darker game is on conducting dungeon raids to kill monsters and recover valuable equipment and loot. Almost all raiding games feature predefined extraction points, but in Dark and Darker, all of the extraction points are random and can spawn on any level or location on the map. Players will spawn on the higher levels of the map, which has three levels altogether, because the bottom levels are significantly harder and contain the best loot. In order to find the loot, players typically descend to lower levels. If they survive, they then need to locate the Extraction Point, which is the Blue Headstone.
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Extraction Points

The players can use the numerous Blue Headstones that will spawn in the dungeons to activate a teleport and leave the dungeon with the loot by taking them. Players must search the dungeons to find one because their position is unpredictable. They do not spawn at the beginning of the adventure, but a notification pop-up appears on the top right of the screen when they do. Watch for the message, then begin your search for the Extraction Points.

Players can interact with a Blue Headstone to leave the dungeon alive after finding one. Players can exit the dungeons by using the Blue Portal, which is activated by pressing the F key. The Blue Portal can only be used for one extraction through these Extraction Points, though. A Blue Headstone must be located by each member of a Team of Three in order to complete the extraction.
If you triggered the Blue Headstone and decide not to remove it just yet, you are still able to do so. However, exercise caution as another player can try to take your extraction point.