How To Increase Your Crew’s In Happiness Ixion. A amazing city-building game is IXION. This independent game combines common elements like resource management and construction with uncommon ones like space exploration and an epic narrative about battling factions and natural disasters. Crew trust is one of the most important resources to manage since, if it ever falls too low, the player won’t have control of the starship Tiqqun for very long.
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How To Increase Your Crew’s In Happiness Ixion
Sector Stability is essential for preserving confidence in the Tiqqun. Each of the six sectors aboard the spaceship, which the player will explore throughout the game, has its own population and viewpoint on the administrator. Every cycle, if stability is either positive or neutral, more people will come to trust the administrator. If stability is poor, trust will erode and employees may occasionally walk out on the job. Buildings in the impacted sector will become inoperable for a number of cycles. Only by raising the Sector Stability score can strikes be put an early halt.
Unfortunately, as the game progresses, the sectors will incur permanent stability penalties that players will not be able to reverse (at least not through city management). However, the player has complete control over a number of methods for enhancing stability. The secret to remaining in control is to successfully balance each of these aspects.
working circumstances

IXION doesn’t make understaffed structures less productive than usual, in contrast to other city-building games. Instead, employees in a sector with a shortage of personnel will put in more hours and cover more shifts, but at the expense of workplace safety and sector stability. In terms of working conditions, there are four ratings:
- Optimal: The sector’s working conditions will be “Optimal” if there are enough employees.
- Extra Hours: This stipulation is true if the sector is between 5-20% understaffed. This has little effect on stability, but it may result in more mishaps, injuries, and failures that slow production.
- When a sector is 20–40% understaffed, it is said to be “overworked.” This not only raises the accident rate but also lowers sector stability.
- Danger: “Danger” is the final operating condition level, and it functions as stated on the label.
Avoiding the construction of more work sites than the sector’s population can handle is the greatest strategy to prevent unfavourable working conditions. There are various options for administrators to achieve this:
- To add more workers, awaken those who are within cryopods.
- Workers from optimal sectors should be moved to overworked sectors.
- With the power button, turn off any buildings that aren’t now needed.
- Destroy any structures that are no longer required.
There is no cost to redesign areas or reposition buildings if you choose the last option, which will also completely reimburse the resources used for development.

There must be enough accommodation for the Tiqqun workers, and it is the administrator’s responsibility to do so. Stability will decline if the bulk of a sector’s workforce is homeless. Stability will increase if every employee has a place to live. Better housing can increase stability even more.
For instance, the Sector Stability will receive a +2 rather than a +1 if the majority of a sector’s employees reside in Optimized Quarters as opposed to standard Crew Quarters. Cell Housing, on the other hand, won’t offer the same stability boost while being able to house more workers while utilising fewer resources.
Cryonic Food Pods

Find cryopods and awaken the inhabitants to increase the number of workers in IXION. The Tiqqun needs to generate enough food to allow everyone to eat, therefore authorities may wish to delay awaking everyone as soon as feasible. Keeping a few hundred workers asleep may seem like a smart strategy because starving them will reduce stability (and make them start to die).
On the other hand, the staff on Tiqqun are eager to free their loved ones from stasis. Therefore, if there are more than 250 cryonic pods on the station, the stability of every sector will suffer.
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Alternative Life Centers and Memorials

Several structures in the IXION tech tree are focused on enhancing Sector Stability. Three parks are provided by the Memorials technology and can be added to each section. They individually provide +1 stability and utilise a lot of resources, but they don’t use any energy or labour and take up a lot of space.
Alternative Life Centers require workers and electricity, but they are less invasive and have no height restrictions. Each one provides +1 stability, much like the monuments. Once explored, enhancements for both types of buildings have the potential to increase the stability gain even more.
Discovery Mistakes
The science spacecraft dispatched to explore space may suffer terrible outcomes because space is a hazardous environment. Making the wrong choice can result in the deaths of crew members and, occasionally, the entire squad. When this occurs, every Sector Stability may get a permanent punishment from the Tiqqun. Therefore, when investigating, shrewd administrators should save frequently and in different slots.
DLS Guidelines

The Tier 2 tech ring has a building named the DLS Center. Administrators can gain a free +1 stability and implement a number of sector-specific policies by creating one in each sector. In general, each policy has the potential to either boost stability at the expense of productivity or resource management or decrease stability while raising productivity. There can only be one policy change per ten or fifteen cycles, though.
It’s a challenge to keep everyone in IXION content and healthy, but that’s what city-building games are all about. It will take a smart administrator to balance a lot of variables to maintain stability, yet doing so is necessary to move civilization to a new location safely.