How To Peek Angles In Valorant. Unexpectedly many players are unaware of how to hold angles in VALORANT. High-elo players have this crucial skill, which sets them apart from lower-elo players. Aim, game sense, and a few other things, as well as that. In any case, it’s crucial to understand how to hold angles in VALORANT.
You may believe you are an expert at holding angles, but the fact that you are here suggests you are not quite sure of yourself. But that’s great. The first step to enhancing your game is identifying your flaws. I’ll walk you through how most players hold angles and why it is incorrect. I’ll then demonstrate how to hold angles correctly. You’ll quickly move up the ranks if you incorporate this tweak into your game.
How To Peek Angles In Valorant
Let’s start by discussing the wrong method for holding angles in VALORANT. The majority of you probably hold angles like in the image above, with your crosshair directly in line with the angle you’re holding. Yes, it makes sense. The closer you hold, the better since you want to shoot the adversary as soon as they come around the bend.

That is untrue. We’re not bots, which is unfortunate. We are unable to press the button as soon as we notice a pixel. Even if we could, the net code in VALORANT wouldn’t make those shots very reliable.
According to that reasoning, you ought to hold these angles wider. However, there is more to it than that. It’s actually more accurate to put the crosshairs based on how people peak in VALORANT rather than merely holding angles wide to account for our reaction times.
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Peakers have a significant advantage in VALORANT. It makes sense that many players will exploit this, especially those at high elo. Enemies will frequently swing wide, thus if you keep your angles broad, they will frequently swing directly into your crosshair.
Hold the angle from as far away as you can as well. The farther you are from the angle you’re holding with the camera in VALORANT, the sooner you’ll see the player model of the enemy. Holding an angle too close is never a good idea unless you’re trying to surprise someone. Hold it generally as far back as the angle will allow.
Keeping Wide Angles in Mind

The majority of the time, you should hold angles in VALORANT like this. Holding wide angles, as we’ve spoken about, counteract wide swings and provides you more time to respond and make small adjustments. This rule does have one exception, though, and that is when you believe an enemy is about to shift or walk around a corner.
Your ability to foresee this depends largely on your sense of the game, but a typical instance would be if you are on the holding flank. If an enemy is trying to flank you, they probably won’t be shouting so your team won’t hear them. As a result, you can afford to hold it closer because you won’t need to make as many adjustments to your crosshair to account for the rapid movement. This means they will turn around that angle very slowly.
But that is a particular circumstance. Especially if you’re trying to hold down a lane, you should generally hold your angles much wider. If you follow this advice, you’ll start ranking up more quickly.