How To Find The Right Engine In Payday 2. There are a lot of things you can do in Payday 2, even though there aren’t many events and other things to do. The two-day event Big Oil is one of the game’s most thrilling features. You can choose the right engine in Payday 2 Big Oil by reading this advice.
Table of Contents
How To Find The Right Engine In Payday 2
The first thing you need to be aware of is that the game uses 12 engines. Gas color, the number of wires connected, and bar value are the three identifying characteristics of any machine. As a result, selecting the best engine is a difficult procedure that takes a lot of time.

To make this tutorial easier to grasp, it will be split into three sections. Each section addresses a particular process in selecting the appropriate engine.
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Finding the color of a gas canister

To start, look through the notes on the table for the first hint. The type of gas may be described by one of the following three words: helium, deuterium, or nitrogen. You should next proceed to the lab in the basement. You can see the correlations between canister color and gas kind here.
Finding the Wires’ Number

The truth is that in PayDay 2, you must examine several notes to determine the precise amount of wires. And H, 2x H, or 3x H can be found in the appropriate note. H denotes one wire, 2x H denotes two wires, and 3x H denotes three wires.
Calculating bar value
If you combine the quantity of wires and color, you can typically execute most engines by following the first two phases. If, however, there are only a few choices, you ought to locate the computer inside the lab. You can find the psi number on this computer. 1 psi is equal to 0.0689475729 bars. Therefore, feel free to convert this value and obtain the necessary data.