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How To Fix Slow Movement In Potion Permit

How To Fix Slow Movement In Potion Permit. You may play a wide variety of RPGs and adventure games, and Potion Permit is a fascinating example of this genre. You may make a vast variety of potions from it to help you with your troubles or other characters. However, it appears that there are several bugs that cause the game to progress slowly, and many players have reported experiencing them.

How To Improve Potion Permit’s Slow Movement

How To Fix Slow Movement In Potion Permit

Potion Permit’s sluggish mobility bug is a troublesome issue that negatively impacts your gaming experience. You might want to figure out how to fix it because it makes the game feel too sluggish. So, we’ll give you advice on how to handle this issue in this article.How To Fix Slow Movement In Potion Permit.

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The NVIDIA Control Panel appears to be able to help with the slow movement problem. Therefore, if you want your game to function normally, you must utilise this programme. The procedure to fix the Potion Permit sluggish movement bug is listed below:

How To Fix Slow Movement In Potion Permit
  • Navigate to the NVIDIA Control Panel.
  • Select Manage 3D Settings from the menu.
  • Head over to the Program Settings tab.
  • If the game isn’t there, click the Add buttons and add Potion Permit to the list of programmes.
  • In the section titled “Specify the settings for this software,” look for the Max Frame Rate option.
  • Set the FPS cap in accordance with the setup of your monitor (for example, if you have a 60Hz monitor then we suggest setting the 60 FPS cap).

The game should start to play smoothly and the slow movement problem should be resolved once you’ve set your FPS cap. Hopefully, this manual will assist you in resolving this issue. Wishing you luck in your Potion Permit quest!