How To Raise Your Bravery Level In I Was A Teenage Exocolonist. Make history as the most daring exocolonist Vertumna has ever seen!
In I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, it’s best to have a little bit of talent for everything, but Bravery should definitely come first. You really can’t do much with a low Bravery stat in this game because it’s the cornerstone of gameplay (or a low Perception stat, for that matter). Fortunately, there are a few quick ways in I Was a Teenage Exocolonist to level up your Bravery.
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How To Raise Your Bravery Level In I Was A Teenage Exocolonist
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist teaches you right away that one of the most crucial stats is Bravery because, well, you can’t really do much without it. You must have a certain amount of Bravery to participate in each attack during Glow season; otherwise, your fellow colonists risk dying. In I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, taking part in Glow season is a fantastic reason to level up your Bravery stat, but it’s not the only one.
Almost every aspect of the game involves bravery, from inspiring successful expeditions to daring Dys to eat worms! Since there are so many benefits to having a high Bravery stat. It’s a relief that levelling it up is not the most challenging. In I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, you can level up your Bravery stat by selecting “brave” dialogue options. When interacting with NPCs or by investing your months in specific activities.

Being brave during NPC interactions can earn you free Bravery levels. Which is always nice but not the most effective if you’re trying to gain some major levels. The most effective way to get braver is generally to spend your months engaging in “brave” tasks. I Was an Exocolonist as a Teen. However, certain pursuits reward bravery more than others. You can increase your level of bravery by taking part in activities like sports, defence training, and expeditions.
Best Practices For Increasing Your Bravery Level In I Became An Exocolonist As A Teen

Sportsball Matches At The Garrison
Playing Sportsball at the Garrison is the best way. To level up your Bravery stat early on in the game, particularly before you can go on expeditions (or sneak out through the drainpipe). You receive a base rate of +2 Bravery and +1 Toughness when you play sportsball, so you can even improve your Toughness stat at the same time!
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You can gain more than +2 by playing particularly well because Bravery is the main reward stat in Sportsball. You can receive +2 or even +3 extra points of Bravery. If you reach or surpass the required card game total and get a Goal or Super Goal while playing for the month!
Sneaking Away/Going On Adventures
In I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, sneaking out of the colony or participating. In expeditions are fantastic ways to gain more bravery. While on an expedition, you have many opportunities to level up each of your stats. But Bravery and Perception are unquestionably. The stats that are rewarded the most.
You can participate in Bravery Challenges on these expeditions. Which will grant you a minimum of +2 Bravery (or more if you reach the Goal or Super Goal!)
, and while on an Expedition, you can take part in these challenges multiple times. Even if you leave the Colony clandestinely rather than going on official missions. You will always start out with a base rate of +2 Bravery! While on an Expedition, you can easily achieve a dozen or more Bravery levels in a single month!
Once you have a general understanding of how everything works, nothing in I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is too challenging. You can either check out Gamer Journalist’s many useful. Tutorials on I Was a Teenage Exocolonist or play the game a few hundred times to properly understand everything!