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Vampire Survivors Cheats PC

Vampire Survivors Cheats PC

Vampire Survivors Cheats PC. In Vampire Survivors, cheat codes can used to unlock characters, levels, and other items. This guide includes a complete list of all the codes available.

On August 4, 2022, the game patch 0.10.0 for Vampire Survivors was publish, and it brought something quite remarkable. The update specifically added a cheat menu to Vampire Survivors, allowing players to fast access characters, stages, and other items. This guide includes a list of codes. That players can enter into the cheat menu in addition to specific instructions on how to access it.

How To Unlock Cheat Codes In Vampire Survivors

Vampire Survivors Cheats PC
Vampire Survivors Cheats PC

Getting to the Bone Zone Challenge Stage is the first step towards opening the cheat menu. By defeating the boss that comes on the stage at the 25-minute mark. Players are able to unlock Hyper Mode for three further stages. Fans who interested in employing cheats should also make an effort. To obtain Milky Way Map for Vampire Survivors from the Dairy Plant because it makes things a great deal simpler.

Players should load into the scene. And find the question mark on the map once they have the Milky Way Map and the Bone Zone unlocked. When the opponent defeate, fans will acquire the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane. And will be able to access the cheat menu. This question mark indicates the location of an orb of skulls. Players advised to use their finest Vampire Survivors character and go straight to the enemy. Because the sphere of skulls, in particular, becomes harder to defeat as time passes.

Survivors Of The Vampire: Cheat Codes

Vampire Survivors Cheats PC
Vampire Survivors Cheats PC

Players should go to the main menu. And select “Secrets” from list of options at the bottom of the screen. After earning the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane from the Bone Zone Challenge Stage of Vampire Survivors. Fans can then enter the following cheat codes by clicking on the rectangle next to “Cast Spell”. And acquiring the desired items.


Arca Ladonnanoneladonna
Porta Ladonnavivaladonna
Lama Ladonnasuperladonna
Poe Ratchostrongestcharacter
Suor Clericifaschiuma
Krochi Freettoaccidenti
Christine Davaincrystalmakeup
Yatta Cavalloyattapanda
Bianca Rambacarramba
O’Sole Meeoreset
Sir Ambrojoelanguorino
Exdash Exiviiqexdashexoneviiq
Boon Marrabbiofettinepanate
Minnah Mannarahfoldinthecheese
Cosmo Pavonelhovistoio
Big Trouserearrivatolarrotino
Gains Boroshighfive
Mask of the Red Deathablasphemousmockery
  • Note: After entering their codes, players will be able to use the special starting weapons of characters who have them. Including O’Sole and Yatta from Vampire Survivors.
Vampire Survivors Cheats PC
Vampire Survivors Cheats PC


Grim Grimoirethisshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault
Ars Goudathistooshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault
Milky Way Mapleadmetothecheese
Magic Bangerthankelrond
Sorceress’ Tearstimecompression
Glass Vizardeggseggseggs
Yellow Signi have seen it
Great Gospelicanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet


Il Moliserelaxenjoylife
Green Acresdotgogreenacres
The Bone Zonerottingpizza
Boss Rashpeakgamedesign
  • Note: Hyper Modes for the stages also unlocked upon entering their codes.
Vampire Survivors Cheats PC
Vampire Survivors Cheats PC


Make the screen spin temporarily.spinnn

You can utilize a number of cheat codes outside of the hidden menu, it should noted. Here is a list of those codes along with their corresponding effects for the purpose of completeness:

  • Enter up, up, down, right, right, left, Esc, enter to unlock Mortaccio from the main menu.
  • Enter “x-x1viiq” to unlock Exdash Exiviiq from the main menu.
  • After Exdash unlocked in Vampire Survivors, defeat a Drowner, Stalker, or Trickster to unlock Toastie. When a red ghost appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen, press down and enter.
  • Input “spam” on the main menu, “spam” on character choose, “spam” on stage select. And “humbug” after loading into a stage in Vampire Survivors to unlock Smith IV.
  • Unlock the Silent Old Sanctuary Arcana, Game Killer, Mad Groove, Out of Bounds, and Disco of Gold. On the main menu, type “aintnobodygottimeforthat.”
  • To heal O’Sole once, enter “pet” while running.

On PC, Vampire Survivors is still in Early Access.