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SteamWorld Heist 2 : Best Tips and Tricks for Every Mission

SteamWorld Heist 2 : Best Tips and Tricks for Every Mission

SteamWorld Heist 2 : Best Tips and Tricks for Every Mission in the turn-based strategy game SteamWorld Heist 2, you must assemble a motley crew of rusty steamboats to fend off the Navy’s iron keel. Flips between a space exploration game with pirates and the traditional high-seas adventure version of the same characters. You can adjust the game’s difficulty to your preferred level of difficulty thanks to its many options. Whether you’re playing in a relaxed environment or diving headfirst into a rigorous gauntlet campaign, there are a few important criteria you should follow from the beginning to ensure success.

Avoid being taken by SteamWorld Heist 2’s adorable appearance and profusion of robot puns. The game is brutal, especially when playing on Experienced or harder difficulty levels.

Broad Strategies

At first glance, SteamWorld Heist 2 bears many similarities to other strategy games. Especially the XCOM series. The lessons in SteamWorld Heist 2 are usually useful. But as the missions get more challenging and challenging, there are a few particular tricks that truly help. In our previous article SteamWorld Heist 2 Prices, we delved into the various pricing details for SteamWorld Heist 2, providing insights into the cost of different in-game items and upgrades. For a deeper understanding of how these prices affect your gameplay and strategy, check out SteamWorld Heist 2 Prices.

Cover up: Your crew members are not strong, and recovery is not always easy. This is why it’s often vital to play defense-first in SteamWorld Heist 2. Especially if you want all of your crew to survive and gain a significant amount of experience. Long adventures involving multiple rooms exist where every HP point matters. 

Open doors correctly: SteamWorld Heist 2 is no exception to the rule that doors are a major factor in strategy games. Opening the next door with your frontliner at the beginning of your turn is usually a good idea . Because it frequently u or even take a few potshots .

Nevertheless, a lot of the missions in SteamWorld Heist 2 have a time limit or have resurfacing adversaries . That are pursuing you. Sometimes it’s preferable to cover more ground in certain circumstances.

Action economy is king: uncovers fresh adversaries who will act right away as your turn is over. Encounters can flank. In terms of “action economy.” I refer to how many more actions your crew can perform in a turn than their opponents. Characters can move, attack, or use abilities with their two Action Points per round by default. Usually two to four crew members are allowed per operation. And you are frequently outnumbered from the outset. Because most of the strikes in the game are single-target. Your opponents usually get to act more frequently than you do each round. Sending crew members who can hit many targets at once or who can strike twice or more each round—typically with explosives or automatic fire—is imperative.

Hire Chimney as soon as you can

Hire a beefy pink bot right away if you find one looking for work. Chimney is one of the few characters who begins as a Brawler. Which makes her a tremendous asset to your team. Her beginning skill set includes Hard Shell, giving her a level of resilience that the other players on the team cannot match.

SteamWorld Heist 2-Chimney
SteamWorld Heist 2-Chimney

Once you get access to a Personal Upgrade Terminal and can use Tit-For-Tat, Chimney’s hallmark movie. She becomes even more amazing. When coupled with her defensive skills and possibly a Repair Kit. This enables her to potentially eliminate large groups of feeble opponents without exerting any physical force! Regardless of the level of difficulty, adding Chimney to your team should be your first goal in any campaign.

Get Job

With a job system inspired by Final Fantasy, SteamWorld Heist 2 lets you alter not just the roles played by your crew members, but also the combinations of skills you might use to achieve advantageous outcomes. If you don’t use it to some degree. You’ll feel quite weak, even though it could be challenging to master. The job a player is currently allocated is determined by their weapon, and they can unlock skills by earning career-specific experience points (XP) by completing missions. A character’s abilities from other disciplines can be activated using Cogs once they have reached a certain level in numerous jobs. 

SteamWorld Heist 2 Job
SteamWorld Heist 2 Job

Ultimately, your playstyle and personal preferences will determine which roles you choose to take on in a mission, but in general, you’ll want a crew member with at least one healing ability and another with the ability to hit multiple targets at once.

Though Difficult, It’s Not Unachievable to Destroy Your Own Cover

In Steamworld Heist 2, the cover is unbreakable. Depending on the makeup of your team, a significant portion of your strategy may consist of just destroying opposing cover completely before taking down the adversary with a gun. Naturally, you’ll want to make sure that if the adversary decides to fire back, you don’t leave your own crew without anywhere to hide!

It’s crucial to remember that a crewmate hiding beneath a cover cannot be hit directly. This means that while firing enemies from a low viewpoint point, Flankers wielding shotguns, for example, won’t have to worry about inadvertently shattering their shielding. But it does mean you have to watch out for explosions and ricochets, which can still expose you if they steal your cover’s final few hit points.


Vital skills: fury and momentum

SteamWorld Heist 2 Reaper
SteamWorld Heist 2 Reaper

When equipped correctly, Reapers can overrun the opposition a few turns, making shorter missions seem easy. Since they are frontliners and absorb a lot of damage, they can be more effective in longer stages if they have certain healing items or abilities.


Practical Skills: Cool, Backbiter

In SteamWorld Heist 2, Flanker, with his swift shotgun, is possibly the most effective attacking character. If you’re striving to complete all of the game’s missions in order to get a 100% score, the Flanker’s emphasis on mobility and array of abilities make them ideal for SteamWorld Heist 2. In other words, you should never be without a Flanker once you have access to one a few hours in. That being said, I advise acquiring the Reaper ability Momentum as soon as possible because it greatly affects the Flanker’s efficiency.

SteamWorld Heist 2 Flanker
SteamWorld Heist 2 Flanker


Practical Skills: Free Sidearm, Hard Shell

The melee-oriented The closest thing SteamWorld Heist 2 has to a tank role are brawlers; while not extremely adaptable, they can be beneficial in some circumstances. Brawlers are extremely resilient due to their ability to heal themselves after every kill and their high single-target damage output. This  made possible by their Adrenaline talent.

However, one significant flaw in Brawlers that many opponents in Steamworld Heist 2—such as flying drones and turrets installed on ceilings—are effectively immune to melee strikes. With their Free Sidearm ability. Brawlers can deal some, but not much, ranged damage. 

The Sniper

Practical Skills: Accurate Targeting, Precision Cutting

Snipers, one of your first jobs, work best in missions requiring heavy single-target damage, particularly in boss confrontations. They are viable on most stages due to their remote ability to take down high-threat foes. Snipers can support their more mobile allies, therefore I usually used them in three- or four-man missions. Since their shots can penetrate “Rattler” skeleton foes if they are organized together. They are also rather effective against them in the game. Utilizing Cogs on abilities that increase the Sniper’s damage and movement in particular can help you get the most out of the character

Exchange Bounty for Gallons

SteamWorld Heist 2 Gallons
SteamWorld Heist 2 Gallons

At the end of the day, trading in your Bounties can yield some alluring benefits, such as upgraded submarines and new armaments. But there’s value in accepting a sizable payment all at once, and certain Bounties provide hundreds of gallons! That usually covers the cost of hiring a new crew member or purchasing a brand-new, top-quality piece of equipment, when combined with your earnings from missions and salvage at sea.

Explore the Seas for Treasure 

As you sail from one place to the next, take your time. There’s much to discover, particularly when you go to more expansive regions of the globe like Arctica. Your efforts will nearly always  rewarded with new areas to explore, secret objectives to complete, or floating riches.

Taking the scenic path at the beginning of a new day is worthwhile. Even if you’ve already spent a lot of time exploring a certain location. Overnight, enemy ships return, providing you with fresh chances to sink them and seize the Gallons they are carrying. As long as you don’t bite off more than you can chew. You can accumulate a significant amount of extra cash in this manner.

Lost Hats Return Following An Mission 

Shooting off hats is entertaining but purely decorative mechanic in Steamworld Heist 2 a figure who is just missed by a shot . Passing over their head may have their chapeau sent flying! An enemy’s hat can be recovered to add to your collection. And an ally without a hat will don it  they pick up a hat (either their own or someone else’s).

Survival and the task come first if it comes down to saving your priceless headgear or staying under cover. The crewmate’s lost hat will remain your inventory even if you evacuate the task location without finding it. You can re-equip it the following day after resting. However, this needs to done by hand, thus  the interim the crewmate won’t have a hat.