How To Send Use Code Blocks In Discord PC 2024. The majority of Discord users not very skilled at coding; they just type and send their messages. After all, communicating with others doesn’t require complex coding. To make your messages stand out, there are a few benefits to learning some simple codes.
Have you ever wondered how people manage to send messages with backgrounds of fancy colours? Code blocks enable these peculiar quotes and messages.
Code blocks are special codes that alter the background to make your messages stand out. You can even go one step further with Markdown and make format changes with straightforward code manipulations. Generally speaking, though, a simple background change is enough to get readers to pay attention.
Continue reading to learn how to use code blocks to make your messages stand out from the crowd.
Table of Contents
What Is a Code Block?
In Discord, a code block is a section of text that has a distinct colour. In addition to its aesthetic value, the other colour makes the text appear more visible to all readers. The background surrounding the text altered by a code, even within the same message.
Put differently, text that not impacted by a code block will look normal, but text that has a code block applied to it will look different. Additionally, the formatting left alone in these code blocks, with the default font used throughout.
Backticks inserted at the start and finish of messages to create code blocks. The ~ button is located to the left of the 1 key and directly beneath the Esc key.
You only need to type a single backtick at the start and finish of the text if your code block only has one line of text, as in this example:

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`Falcon Punch`
Triple backticks needed for code blocks that contain more than one line of text. An example of a multiple-line code block is as follows:
“`Hi there
The triple backticks separated by spaces, and in multiple-line code blocks, the first triple backtick should occur on a new line before you type your message. If the above “Hello” appears in the same line as the first triple backticks, it won’t appear.
It is simple to mix up Markdown and Code Blocks. Both can modify the way text appears in Discord chat windows, but the latter handles text formatting and the former modifies the background. Let’s now explore the use of code blocks across various platforms.
How To Send Use Code Blocks In Discord PC 2024

Code block usage the same whether you’re using a browser or the Discord client that installed on your Windows computer. In these instructions, we’ll first concentrate on basic code blocks.
- Open Discord on your computer.
- Visit any server.
- Select a text channel for which you authorized to send messages.
- Move the text box with your mouse.
- Enter a single backtick.
- Type your message’s contents in.
- Conclude with a single backtick.
- To send the message, hit Enter.
- You’ll notice that the text has a different background colour than other messages if the code block formatted correctly.
- As needed, repeat.
These are the steps to follow if you want to type code blocks that contain multiple lines.
How To Send Use Code Blocks In Discord PC 2024
- Open Discord on your computer.
- Visit any server.
- Select a text channel for which you authorized to send messages.
- Move the text box with your mouse.
- Enter a single backtick.
- Type your message’s contents in.
- Conclude with a single backtick.
- To send the message, hit Enter.
- You’ll notice that the text has a different background colour than other messages if the code block formatted correctly.
- As needed, repeat.