BG3 Brilgor Corpse Location. In BG3, finding Brilgor’s Corpse is a challenging task. We have a guide to Find Brilgor Corpse in Baldur’s Gate 3. if you’re having problems with that. After introducing the game, let’s get going.
BG3 Brilgor Corpse Location
You must enter the rear of Open Hand Temple in order to reach the Brilgor Corpse in Grand Theft Auto 3. The City Sewers is the most recent checkpoint here.

Following your entry into the Open Hand Temple, you can turn left or right. Proceeding from the right, you can turn left to approach the Corpse of Brilgor; if you turned left. You can turn right to approach the corpse.
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Proceeding on, you will come to a small building with a corpse tombstone next to a dirt mound. Engage in conversation with the Tomb in Baldur’s Gate 3 regarding Briggor Corpse.
BG3 Brilgor Corpse Location?
Following your entry into the Open Hand Temple, you can turn left or right. Proceeding from the right, you can turn left to approach the Corpse of Brilgor. If you turned left, you can turn right to approach the corpse.