How to Defeat Cynthia Weaver in Alan Wake 2. The lady who was dubbed the Lady of the Lamp in 2010 has returned, but she even less helpful this time. This is all the information you require to defeat Cynthia Weaver in Alan Wake 2.
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How to Defeat Cynthia Weaver in Alan Wake 2
Where to Find Cynthia Weaver In Alan Wake 2?
In “Return 5: Old Gods,” the main character Saga discovers that although Cynthia Weaver fought against The Dark Presence that killed her beloved Thomas Zane for the most of her life, old age did not treat her well. The powers of darkness came knocking, taking possession of her in an attempt to kill Tor Anderson as the errors grew and her attention to detail started to falter. Saga entrusted with pursuing them in an attempt to save the grumpy musician when Cynthia drags the rocker through an Overlap. Naturally, it far easier said than done.
You won’t have to worry about Cynthia once you’re inside the Overlap itself, which you may access by finding and playing a specific record in the Valhalla Nursing Home. She won’t really become an issue until Saga enters a big pump room with a central console toward the conclusion. The Dark Place will change and immerse Tor underwater as he begins to limp towards you. It is your responsibility to lower the water levels and overcome Cynthia, who is swimming around, waiting for the right opportunity to attack.

How to Defeat Cynthia Weaver in Phase One
Since Alan Wake 2 LOVES to turn off the electricity at the most inconvenient times, the first thing to worry about is getting the pumping facility’s power restored. Saga is going to have to wet her feet for that. Turn right as you exit the central room and wade into the water.
The water surrounding you will ripple and shimmer if you stay in the deep for an extended period of time; this is a sign that something or someone is swimming toward you. Enjoy burning a bunch of medical goods to heal yourself if you get caught. Though unsettling, Cynthia is not too hard to stay away from. Saga can stay in the water for longer than you think, but you need run toward and scale the small trash islands scattered across the area to avoid drowning. Some need to mantled, while others have a little incline for convenient access.

Continue straight ahead until you reach a rusty fence. Once there, look for an opening in the wall by turning left. You will find yourself in an antechamber encircling the pump room if you climb through it. The same guidelines are true here: Run to the left and keep dipping in and out of the water. A generator will eventually be located on the right side of the curved hallway. Before returning to the pump room and rushing for the central console, turn that bad boy on. Turn on the switch, and the water will vanish, exposing Cynthia.
As a side note, you can hear Tor saying that this is the last time he will have and that he doesn’t have much time left. He didn’t die no matter how long I spent gathering resources, so put it down to an old man exaggerating. I took a longer when I first tried this.
Also Read: Where Is The Pump Shotgun In Alan Wake 2
How to Defeat Cynthia Weaver in Phase Two
With the water level down, Cynthia left with nowhere to hide. Turn right after leaving the central console to discover a rusting staircase that descends one level. Get your trigger finger itchy and jog on down.
Spend a moment running around chamber, opening any containers you come across to restock on ammunition and medications, until Cynthia finally determines she had enough of giving you the runaround. The scene will shift once more, becoming a flooded area with metal panels everywhere that leaned against pipes. Then Cynthia will materialize, drifting about like a woman under a spell. figuratively.
You can just unload because she no longer has her darkness shield because you messed with the lights. I HEARTLY advise utilizing the rifle here if you were able to unlock it at the Valhalla Nursing Home. If you hit her in the head, it deals a ton of damage and removes any range constraints because she loves to wander around the room. The sawed-off shotgun works too, if you can get close enough. The crossbow is simply too slow for this confrontation; only use it when absolutely necessary.
Cynthia uses a long-range projectile and a close-range explosion as her two primary attacks. Both of them are quite obvious. She will ball up and burst in a blast of darkness if you approach her too closely, sending Saga flying. If you stand too far away, she will launch dark energy balls at you that have a faint homing effect.

Since you should have the rifle equipped, I would advise you to take the long view. This space has enough cover so it’s simple to duck in and out of the metal grates that propped up, take potshots at Cynthia, and dodge her blasts.
She’ll fall to the ground and acquire a dark shield if you’ve dealt enough harm to her. For now, you know what to do. When she wildly charges toward you, burn it off and stay away from her. In a room, she’ll take multiple swings at you, so either dodge out of the path or use the sawed-off to throw her off balance. She will killed with a few well-aimed headshots that will launch her into the air. It’s actually kind of tragic.
Now that Cynthia is dead, you can liberate Tor and get out of the Overlap and back into reality. Let’s find out more about The Clicker now.
Where to Find Cynthia Weaver In Alan Wake 2?
In “Return 5: Old Gods,” the main character Saga discovers that although Cynthia Weaver fought against The Dark Presence that killed her beloved Thomas Zane for the most of her life.