How To Get The Armor Of The Sky TOTK. Skyward Sword is still the first game in the series. And that game’s Link — the first Hero — makes a sort of cameo in the most recent installment in the form of the Armour of the Sky, his unique armour set. However, it is still unclear exactly where The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom lives in the chronology (except at the end, we believe). It’s not especially difficult to obtain the Armour of the Sky set in TOTK, but you will need to explore three separate sections of the Depths. Not all of the news is positive. But here is how to locate every component of the Armour of the Sky.
Table of Contents
How To Get The Armor Of The Sky TOTK
With two pieces in the Lanayru region (or perhaps below it), you can discover the Hero of the Sky set in Tears of the Kingdom in the eastern part of the Depths. The third component is located in Eldin close to the Korok Forest’s depths. The largest obstacle is getting to the nearest Chasms and activating any Lightroots. You don’t already have illuminating the darkness because there are no significant hazards nearby to any of the treasure chests carrying the armour.
How to Find the Cap of the Sky in Tears of the Kingdom

The Cap of the Sky can found in two places: within a tree husk in Retsam Grove. The longest is the simplest. The Kisihayam Lightroot may reached by beginning in the Meda Mountain Chasm. Which is located north of Meda Mountain and the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower. From there, you can move eastward until you reach the location. The root is just near to retsam.
From the Naydra Snowfield Chasm, which is located to the west of the Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower. You could also travel south. The journey via the Depths is quicker and more direct, but on the surface. You’ll have to contend with the bitter cold surrounding the mountain and the rough terrain.
The tree husk can found in the centre of a cluster of lesser dead trees in Retsam Grove. No matter how you get there. Evermean foes guarding the treasure chest within the husk may easily dispatched in two swings with a slashing weapon that deals at least 20 damage.
Learn More: How To Farm Silver Lynel Horns Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
How to Find the Tunic of the Sky in Tears of the Kingdom

The Minshi Woods Chasm, which is only a short glide from the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower. The closest Chasm to the Tunic of the Sky in TotK, making gathering the entire set possibly the easiest portion of the process.
Start gliding south towards Minshi Grove as you make your way into the Depths proper. You’re looking for a tree husk and a treasure chest that Evermeans is guarding, just like the Cap was.
As you approach the treasure chest with the Tunic. You can clearly see the Uihcoke Lightroot in the distance, which is approximately halfway between the Chasm’s exit and the husk.
How to Get the Trousers of the Sky in Tears of the Kingdom

Of the three sections, the journey to the Trousers of the Sky is by far the longest. I’m sorry to say that you’ll lost in the shadows for a time if you haven’t ventured too far into the Lanayru Wetlands’ depths.
You can light up to four Lightroots at the East Hill Chasm. Which is located just north of Kakariko Village, to begin your adventure.
Southwest of the Chasm, close to the abandoned Kakariko Mine, is Arusakam.
- Arusakam, southwest of the Chasm and near the Abandoned Kakariko Mine
- Korom to the northwest of the mine
- Korakut, further to the north
- Finally, Nojoj high up on a darkened underground mountain. If you get lost in the blackness, expect to use Stamina restoring food and Elixirs, as this Lightroot very high up.
It is only necessary to move slightly north to the Crenel Canyon Mine and obtain the Trousers of the Sky once you have arrived in Nojoj Lightroot.
How To Get The Armor Of The Sky TOTK?
- Find the Cap of the Sky in Tears of the Kingdom
- Find the Tunic of the Sky in Tears of the Kingdom
- Get the Trousers of the Sky in Tears of the Kingdom