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Chamber Of Detachment Puzzle Solution Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Chamber Of Detachment Puzzle Solution Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Chamber Of Detachment Puzzle Solution Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The Chamber of Detachment is a covert Jedi shrine on the planet Koboh that can be found in Prospector’s Folly in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The location is locked with green Force Fields, thus players can only enter it after learning how to air-dash. However, for those Jedi: Survivor players who already have access to it, this article describes how to effortlessly unlock the Chamber’s six collectibles by solving the challenge inside.

Chamber Of Detachment Puzzle Solution Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Where to Find the Detachment Chamber
Where to Find the Detachment Chamber

The Mountain Ascent in Prospector’s Folly on the planet Koboh contains the Chamber of Detachment. Players must air-dash across the green Force Fields before looking behind the waterfall on the right to find the entrance.

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How to Complete the Puzzle in the Detachment Chamber

Placing the Force cubes in such a way that they open the hidden rooms is the solution to the Chamber of Detachment puzzle. Players will have to rely on BD-1’s Koboh Grinder as well as Cal’s Force Pull and Push for that. Here is a detailed how-to.

  • Pull the cube at the far end of the room to get started.
  • Grab hold of the purple orb therein.
  • In the hole next to the Chamber’s entrance, shoot the orb.
  • Spray some Koboh Matter on the wall next to the cube and the cube itself.
  • When the purple beam starts to light up, pull the cube toward it and then push it away. The second Force cube will then become unlocked.
  • Return the first cube to its starting location by pulling it.
  • Take out the second cube.
  • Make the second cube crash with the first cube by pushing it in the direction of the pressure plate in the centre of the room. In order for them to meet in the middle, you must get them closer to one another.
  • Push the first cube back toward the elevator that just descended once the second cube becomes stuck.
  • Jump on the stuck cube before it reaches the wall and push it in the direction of the elevator.
  • Finally, access the hidden room to obtain the perk by scaling the plants on the first cube, which is now elevated.

How to Complete the Chamber of Detachment’s Collectibles

How to Complete the Chamber of Detachment's Collectibles
How to Complete the Chamber of Detachment’s Collectibles

The Chamber of Detachment contains a Datadisc, a chest, a perk, and three Echoes, making a total of six treasures. Here’s how to acquire them all.

First collectible: Echo. From the Chamber’s entrance, turn left to find it.

Second collectible: Echo. To the right of the entrance on the main floor.

Chest of material from the BD-1 collectible. In behind of the imprisoned Force cube. Spray some Koboh Matter on the other cube, ignite it with the purple beam, and then push it back up against the obstacle in the wall to acquire it. This will open the door and make the chest visible.

Datadisc is collectible no. 5. Create a line of purple matter on the wall using the Koboh Grinder on BD-1 to burn down the tar and drop the Datadisc.

Patience Perk is collectible no. 6. To obtain the bonus under the statue of the Jedi, resolve the Chamber of Detachment problem.


How is the chamber of separation solved?

You must have completed the Koboh – Research Tanalorr Main Objective in order to unlock the Koboh Grinder, which is required for the Chamber of Detachment, as well as the Jedha – Locate Brother Armias Main Objective in order to gain the ability to dash past green forcefields.