Crusader Kings 3 How To Make Money. In Crusader Kings III, there are several ways to make money to fund your dynasty’s ambitions and endeavors. Here are some strategies to help you generate wealth in the game:
- Domain Management: Focus on efficiently managing your domain holdings. Which the counties directly controlled by your character. Upgrade your castles, cities, and temples within these counties to increase their income. Assigning a skilled steward with a high stewardship skill to oversee your domain can boost your income further.
- Tax and Levy Laws: Set your tax and levy laws at an appropriate level. Increasing taxes can provide more income, but it may lead to unrest and reduce the population growth in your counties. Balancing these factors is crucial.
- Trade: Invest in trade routes by building marketplaces and cities in your counties. Develop your capital county to increase its trade value, attracting more merchants and boosting your income. Consider establishing a merchant republic within your realm for additional trade income.
- Raiding: If you follow a religion that allows raiding, you can send your armies to raid neighboring territories for gold and valuable items. Coastal provinces are particularly lucrative for raiding, as they often have valuable loot.
- Vassal Management: Ensure your vassals are content and prosperous. Happy vassals are more likely to pay taxes and contribute troops, thus increasing your income indirectly. Avoid excessively harsh demands or oppressive policies that could lead to rebellion.
- Ransom Prisoners: When you capture enemy characters during wars or through other means, you can keep them imprisoned and demand ransom from their families. This can be a profitable way to make money, especially if you frequently engage in wars.
- Holy Wars and Conquests: Expanding your realm through conquest allows you to seize new territories, which can provide additional tax income. Focus on conquering high-income regions or cities to boost your wealth.
- Diplomatic Ventures: Engage in diplomacy to secure lucrative agreements, such as marriage alliances, trade agreements, or vassalization. These arrangements can provide you with income or other resources over time.
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Crusader Kings 3 How To Make Money

In Crusader Kings 3, spending money is a lot simpler than earning it. There are typically additional financial concerns that need your attention that demand several years’ worth of income, and the majority of investments require this. The game is much simpler if you have a lot of gold in your treasury, but getting there may require decades or even generations of planning and investment.
The methods listed below can help you increase your wealth for both short-term cash infusions and long-term growth prospects. These techniques will assist in making the money available for whatever purpose you have in mind.
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Added by Matt Arnold on January 1st, 2023: It’s not always simple to replenish the king’s coffers, therefore we’ve expanded this list of Crusader Kings 3 money-making opportunities! We’ve looked at methods you can save money in-game in addition to adding hints to current tactics. In Crusader Kings 3, the majority of your expenses are fixed. Making cutting one expense almost as effective as finding a new source of income.
Raise Hell

Sending soldiers to pillage wealthy areas is an easy approach to obtain quick money if your culture, government, or religion permits raiding. Raise your forces as raiders and let them to pillage and plunder. When raiding is turned on, anyone who owns property outside of your realm that the army enters will view them as hostile. Before raising your host, make sure to review the greatest raiding techniques.
While raiding armies engage in standard combat and sieges, they do not produce War Score. Instead, anytime they successfully besiege a holding, they gain loot. More loot can carried by larger armies, and when they return to your country. That loot instantly transformed into cash for your treasury.
When raided, wealthier holdings yield greater loot, so seek out high-Development locales close enough for you to quickly enter and go. If a Raider army defeated in battle, it will forfeit loot; if the army annihilated entirely, all loot is lost.
In addition, following a successful siege, Raiders may capture prisoners, enabling you to ransom them for more gold.
Non-Raiding cultures can accomplish a similar result by declaring war on a neighbour who is amenable to defeat, but the money made through sieges in a legitimate war is significantly less than that made in a Raid. In either scenario, keep in mind that maintaining raised armies is expensive, so act quickly to avoid having your troops eat up any potential profits.
Criminals Arrested And Paid a Ransom

Check to see if there is somebody in your world that you may legally imprison if you urgently need some additional money. Using the Imprison interaction, traitors, killers, and troublemakers can captured and subsequently ransomed back to their respective lords.
The offender must be significant enough for the vassal to be willing to pay a ransom while utilizing this strategy. The ideal targets are close relatives, council members, and the vassal himself. When pursuing a vassal, seek out one with a high rank but a precarious position; Duke-rank characters with few possessions are ideal because the ransom payment is based on the prisoner’s rank. The most money will spent to escape prison for a weak Duke.
There are three alternatives if you don’t have a good reason to lock a character away. If you can’t afford the Tyranny penalty with your other vassals or if your Dread is so high that it doesn’t matter, you can simply imprison them. You might also ask your spymaster to gather information about them. In Crusader Kings 3, everyone is accountable for something, although it takes more time. All you have to do is discover and arrest your target’s dirty little secrets.
Only those who interested in intrigue have access to the third option. You can plan to kidnap your preferred victim and demand ransom if you possess the Kidnapper characteristic from the Schemer tree.
How does Pope CK3 give out money?
You can ask them for money if your religion has a Spiritual Head Of Faith (you can check in the Religion tab). Considering that the Pope is frequently wealthy, Catholic leaders have the easiest time with this. Select the Ask For Money interaction by performing a right-click on the image of your Head Of Faith.