How To Get Super Saiyan God In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Super Saiyan God is a powerful transformation in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. It is based on the transformation introduced in the Dragon Ball Super series. When a Saiyan achieves this form, their hair turns red, and their eyes become more focused and intense.
In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, the Super Saiyan God transformation grants various benefits and abilities to the player’s character: To unlock Super Saiyan God transformation in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, you need to follow these steps:
How To Get Super Saiyan God In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

- Reach Level 90: Your character must be at least level 90 to unlock the Super Saiyan God transformation.
- Acquire the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (SSGSS) Transformation: Before you can obtain Super Saiyan God, you need to unlock the SSGSS transformation. To do this, you must reach level 90 and complete the “Future Trunks’ Time Machine” parallel quest (Parallel Quest #108). This quest becomes available after you’ve completed the main story.
- Collect the Dragon Balls: After unlocking the SSGSS transformation, you need to collect the Dragon Balls. You can do this by completing various parallel quests or by playing online multiplayer battles. Keep collecting the Dragon Balls until you have all seven of them.
- Summon Shenron: Once you have all seven Dragon Balls, go to the Offline Parallel Quest reception desk and select “I want to summon Shenron.” Shenron will appear, and you can choose the wish you want to make.

Learn More: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 How To Get Super Saiyan
- Select “I want more usable characters”: When prompted to make a wish, choose the option “I want more usable characters.” This will unlock new characters, including Super Saiyan God Goku and Vegeta.
- Obtain the Super Saiyan God Transformation: After making the wish, you will unlock Super Saiyan God Goku and Vegeta as playable characters. To use the Super Saiyan God transformation, you need to equip it as a Super Soul for your custom character. You can obtain the Super Soul from the TP Medal Shop or from parallel quests.
- Enjoy Super Saiyan God Transformation: Once you have equipped the Super Saiyan God transformation as a Super Soul, you can activate it during battles. Keep in mind that using the transformation consumes ki, so manage your ki wisely.
That’s it! Now you should be able to access. Enjoy unleashing its power!
How To Get Super Saiyan God In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 ?
- Reach Level 90: Your character must be at least level 90 to unlock the Super Saiyan God transformation.
- Acquire the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (SSGSS) Transformation: Before you can obtain Super Saiyan God, you need to unlock the SSGSS transformation. To do this, you must reach level 90 and complete the “Future Trunks’ Time Machine” parallel quest (Parallel Quest #108). This quest becomes available after you’ve completed the main story.
- Collect the Dragon Balls: After unlocking the SSGSS transformation, you need to collect the Dragon Balls. You can do this by completing various parallel quests or by playing online multiplayer battles. Keep collecting the Dragon Balls until you have all seven of them.
- Summon Shenron: Once you have all seven Dragon Balls, go to the Offline Parallel Quest reception desk and select “I want to summon Shenron.” Shenron will appear, and you can choose the wish you want to make.
- Select “I want more usable characters”: When prompted to make a wish, choose the option “I want more usable characters.” This will unlock new characters, including Super Saiyan God Goku and Vegeta.
- Obtain the Super Saiyan God Transformation: After making the wish, you will unlock Super Saiyan God Goku and Vegeta as playable characters. To use the Super Saiyan God transformation, you need to equip it as a Super Soul for your custom character. You can obtain the Super Soul from the TP Medal Shop or from parallel quests.
- Enjoy Super Saiyan God Transformation: Once you have equipped the Super Saiyan God transformation as a Super Soul, you can activate it during battles. Keep in mind that using the transformation consumes ki, so manage your ki wisely.