How To Restore Volcanic Glacier In Terra Nil. Restoring the Volcanic Glacier in Terra Nil requires a multi-step process, but it can be done with the right approach. Here are the steps to restore the Volcanic Glacier:
- Identify the source of the pollution: The first step is to identify the source of pollution that is affecting the glacier. In the case of the Volcanic Glacier, the pollution is likely caused by the nearby volcano. You can identify the source by looking for smoke or other signs of pollution in the area.
- Clean up the pollution: Once you have identified the source of pollution, you will need to clean it up. This can be done by building pollution-reducing structures, such as air purifiers or water filters. You may also need to remove or replace sources of pollution, such as factories or mines.
- Restore the water flow: The next step is to restore the water flow to the glacier. This can be done by building water channels or dams to redirect water from nearby rivers or lakes to the glacier. You may also need to remove any obstructions or pollutants from the existing waterways to ensure a steady flow of clean water to the glacier.
- Replant vegetation: Once the water flow has been restored, you can begin to replant vegetation around the glacier. This will help to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion, as well as provide a habitat for wildlife. Be sure to choose plant species that are native to the area and that can tolerate the harsh conditions around the glacier.
- Monitor and maintain: Finally, it is important to monitor the restored ecosystem and maintain it over time. This may involve periodically cleaning up any new sources of pollution, monitoring the water flow and vegetation growth, and adjusting your approach as needed to ensure the long-term health and stability of the ecosystem.
By following these steps, you can restore the Volcanic Glacier and create a thriving ecosystem in Terra Nil.
Table of Contents
How To Restore Volcanic Glacier In Terra Nil

While temperature is just as crucial in Terra Nil’s third climate—the arctic—as it was in the tropical climate, players will need it to go both high and low as they advance. This makes the Volcanic Glacier on the arctic map the most challenging one yet.
Fortunately, Terra Nil equips players with the means necessary to modify the game’s overall statistics and set up the four new biomes. This comprises structures for various climates and even a novel way to produce energy. Players can learn how the Volcanic Glacier alters the gameplay by reading this tutorial.
Stage 1
The Volcanic Glacier map, like other regions, is generated at random, however it has a number of dry riverbeds, a lot of frozen terrain, ocean on two of the map’s edges, highlands, and a number of smouldering fissures. The climate tab begins with both Cloud Seeders and Combustors, while prior maps’ Toxin Scrubbers, Irrigators, Solar Amplifiers, and Excavators are all still present.
The Seismic Detonator is the newest structure on the list. The Detonator is a tool that players can use to instantly transform any land tile into a dry riverbed tile by placing it there. The explosion also explodes any surrounding fissures, transforming them into magma vents that erupt lava onto the riverbed tiles all around them. Remember that fissures might potentially explode due to excavators.
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A new structure, the Geothermal Plant, can be obtained by filling 100 tiles with lava. A new and significantly more efficient generator of electricity than the Turbine is the Plant. Instead of connecting to six items, a geothermal plant can connect to ten, and it can reach structures up to eight tiles distant. Although an active magma vent cannot be used for geothermal plant construction, three tiles through the centre of the plant are sufficient. The Plant will also melt all the ice within a certain radius.
Because the Toxin Scrubber can’t clean frozen ground, melting the ice is crucial. Because of this, despite the Geothermal Plant’s wider radius, they are initially far less effective. In contrast, ash rather than poisonous soil makes up a large portion of the tiles in the volcanic glacier, and irrigation systems function equally effectively on ash as they do on healthy soil. In either case, melting the ice is a good idea before attempting to cover the map with vegetation.
The map’s new optional objectives are listed below:
- melts snow – >0 °C
- Forest fungi – 30% to 40% humidity
- Icebergs develop at 50, 0 °C, and 25% toxicity.
- Boulders covered with moss: 50, >40% humidity, 15 °C
- 75, >70% humidity, >15 °C, ivy overgrowth
- Butterflies: 75, 35% to 5 °C toxicity
- Return of migratory birds: 100, >15 °C, 50% toxicity
- 125, >50% humidity, 10 °C, moss on rock faces
- 200 pelagic fish, 15% poisonous
- -5 °C, >40% humidity, and 20% toxicity when snow starts to fall
- 300 Aurora, 5% toxicity
There are a lot more needs that contradict when compared to either of the prior maps, according to this list. Additionally, one of the biomes will only spread when humidity is low, despite the fact that all the goals demand high humidity.
This indicates that the following is the recommended course of action:
- To get the temperature over 0 °C, blow up cracks and distribute lava tiles. A Combustor can useful, but it typically not required.
- Stage 1 should finished by cleaning the unfrozen landscape and adding vegetation.
- To propagate the tundra biome, use biodomes.
- Make the humidity higher than 70%.
- Raise the temperature to at least 15 °C, then lower it to -10 °C.
Players can unlock two new structures in the climate tab to aid this process. To unlock the Dehumidifier and the Flash Freezer, respectively, you must make 200 vegetation tiles and 200 clean ocean tiles. Both need power and can only constructed on rock tiles. To restore the vegetation and other biome tiles to life, players will need snowfall or an irrigation system once the dehumidifier dries them up in order to lower the global humidity. The neighbouring tiles covered in snow or ice sheets by the Flash Freezer, however it is ineffective on rocks. The temperature drops as more tiles begin to freeze.
Players should be very careful about when they start the snowfall, which brings us to our final point. Snow, like rain and thunderstorms before it, will clear the entire map and reduce toxicity to zero, but it’ll also turn some flora tiles into snowy blankets and turn lava into rock. This snow won’t melt again even if players raise the temperature over 0 °C. To prevent themselves from getting frustrated, players should finish the tundra and woodland biomes before turning on the snowfall.
Stage 2

Players have access to four new buildings when stage 2 starts. The Biodome and Radial Excavator are brand-new, while the Monorail Node and Arboretum are still there from before.
A new Irrigator improvement is the Biodome. However, only irrigation systems located on hills and highlands can benefit from this modification. The tundra biome created via biodomes, however placing them requires a global humidity of 35 percent or less. With a preferred range of 25 percent or less. Players should be aware that unlike Biodomes, tundra tiles can spread to lower elevations.
The Arboretum operates precisely as it did on the River Valley map, except that it now generates the boreal forest biome. However, the landscape already has some ash and burned buildings, and greenery also burns to ash when it is close to lava. Players can make ash by using the Solar Amplifier to burn tundra or the Combustor to burn greenery. Overall, it’s not difficult to establish a boreal forest.
Stage 3

This time, there are no surprises in the tier 3 buildings. The full list, which includes the Airship, Recycler Station, Recycling Beacon, Recycling Silo, Rock Hopper, and Animal Observatory, is immediately available. To finish the map, players must locate at least three of the following creatures.
- Elk: requires 20 snow tiles and 6 lichen tiles.
- Snowy Owl: need 10 tundra and 10 boreal forests
- Arctic Fox: needs five tundra and ten snow
- The global temperature must be -10 °C, there must be 20 oceans, and there must be 4 ice sheets.
- Penguin: needs 16 tiles of ice sheet and 10 tiles of ocean (if there aren’t enough tiles of ice sheet, set off a Flash Freezer by the beach).
- Polar Bear: requires 16 snow tiles, 6 ocean tiles, and a herd of elk within the scan region. This one can be challenging because not all snow tiles recognized as snow by the scanner.
Building a Monorail network, using Silos to recycle structures too far from the Nodes. And finally disassembling the Monorail starting at the farthest ends the same methods used for cleaning up on Desolate Island.
Is it free to play Terra Nil?
Terra Nil will be free for contributors with Android and iOS mobile devices if they have a Netflix Games subscription. You may download the game through the service on Google Play and the App Store, according to the Netflix Help Centre webpage for it.