Fallout Shelter: How To Attract Dwellers. Attracting dwellers is an important part of building and growing your vault in Fallout Shelter. Here are some ways to attract dwellers:
- Build living quarters: The first thing you need to do to attract dwellers is to build living quarters. Living quarters provide shelter and a place for your dwellers to rest and recuperate. The more living quarters you have, the more dwellers you can attract.
- Radio room: The radio room is a special room that you can build in your vault. It allows you to broadcast a signal that can attract new dwellers to your vault. The higher the level of your radio room, the more effective it will be in attracting dwellers.
- Breed dwellers: You can also breed dwellers by pairing up male and female dwellers in your living quarters. This will eventually result in a new dweller being born. Make sure to pair dwellers with high SPECIAL stats to increase the chances of having a strong child.
- Quests and exploration: Completing quests and exploring the wasteland can also attract new dwellers to your vault. When you send dwellers on quests or into the wasteland, they may come across other survivors who can be convinced to join your vault.
- Lunchboxes: Lunchboxes are special rewards that can be earned through objectives and quests. They contain valuable resources and can also include rare dwellers with unique skills and high SPECIAL stats.
Overall, the key to attracting dwellers in Fallout Shelter is to build living quarters, upgrade your radio room, breed dwellers, complete quests and exploration, and collect lunchboxes. With these methods, you can attract more dwellers to your vault and build a thriving community.
People will need a safe place to go when the Earth has undergone radical transformation and has become a deadly radioactive wasteland. It is your responsibility in Fallout Shelter to provide survivors with a comfortable place to reside so they may begin the process of rebuilding their life.
Many content residents are necessary for a shelter to be effective, but why would anyone choose to live in a bunker beneath the earth? Continue reading to learn how to get additional Fallout Shelter residents.
Table of Contents
Fallout Shelter: How To Attract Dwellers
Different rooms can be built and unlocked as the game proceeds to improve the quality of life in the underground refuge. You will require a specific number of Dwellers to occupy the bunker in order to access each room. Children do not count until they are old enough to work; hence, these must be adult Dwellers.
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Fallout Shelter Women Having Children

Although there’s a chance that people will just appear at the Vault Door at random, there are a few things you can do to boost the population. The first step is to arrange a romantic rendezvous for your current Dwellers in the Living Quarters, where they unexpectedly decide to become parents.
Dwellers in Lunchboxes, please

Purchasing Lunchboxes, which have a chance to include a Dweller with good stats, is another means to get additional Dwellers. Due to the fact that they have clothing, weapons, and stat upgrades, these Dwellers are typically superior to those who appear at the Vault Door. By completing prizes, you can unlock Lunchboxes or buy them from the Shop.
Construct a Radio Studio

The simplest method to get Dwellers for nothing is to construct a radio studio. This chamber costs 750 Caps to construct and requires a minimum of 20 Dwellers to be unlocked. If you want to increase the likelihood of drawing additional Dwellers to your shelter, assign a Dweller with the highest Charisma stat. People will eventually start showing up and wanting to become a part of your expanding community.
As Dwellers begin to arrive and express interest in residing in your Shelter, welcome them in by tapping and dragging them to the first room before evaluating their stats and assigning them to a space. Your shelter will flourish soon! for further pointers and advice on making the most of Fallout Shelter.
How can I get more Fallout Shelter players?
acquiring more Dwellers. Breeding Dwellers is the primary method of increasing their population. The more individuals you send out to investigate, we think it makes it more probable that Dwellers will occasionally appear outside your Vault from the Wasteland, but this is a tricky mechanic to control and one you shouldn’t rely on.