How To Get Toxel In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Toxel is a dual-type Electric/Poison Pokémon that was first introduced in Generation VIII of the Pokémon franchise. However, it not available in Pokemon FireRed, which is the base game for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
It’s possible that Toxel has added to the game as a custom addition by the creators of the ROM hack. If that is the case, then the method of obtaining Toxel in the game may differ from how it obtained in the official games.
Without further information about the game. It’s difficult to give you specific instructions on how to obtain Toxel in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. However, you can try searching online for a guide or walkthrough for the game that may provide more information. On how to obtain Toxel in that particular version of the game.
Table of Contents
Where To Find Toxel In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

One of the more challenging Pokemon to locate in the game is Toxel. The Baby Pokemon, which can only found in a small portion of Paldea. It most frequently discovered near the Psychic-Type Gym:
- South Province (Area Four)
How to Evolve Toxel in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Learn More: Where To Find Whiscash In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet
Contrary to popular belief, Toxel’s evolution in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is simple. Players only need to level up Toxel to 30, which can done fairly quickly with the help of EXP Share, EXP Candies, and Rare Candies. The creature will automatically evolve once it reaches Level 30. Obtaining the preferred form is what might be confusing.
There are two types of toxicity: amplified and low key. The final move that it learns depending on the form is the only real distinction between the two, aside from physical appearance:
- Shift Gear, a Steel-type attack that boosts both Attack and Speed, is a move that Amped Form learns.
- Magnetic Flux, an Electric-type attack that raises the Special Defense and Defence of an ally Pokémon with the Plus or Minus Ability, is a move that Low Key Form learns.

Its nature, which can checked by choosing “Check Summary” from the party menu or box. Determines what form it will eventually take. It might take a few tries to get the one the player wants because there no way to see the nature before it has caught:
- Hardy, Brave, Adamant, Naughty, Docile, Impish, Lax, Hasty, Jolly, Sassy, Quirky; Toxtricity Amped Form Natures
- Lonely, Bold, Relaxed, Timid, Serious, Modest, Mild, Quiet, Bashful, Calm, Gentle, Careful; Toxic Low Key Form Natures
In the end, the form the player selects determined by the purpose of the Toxtricity. Shift Gear increases the Pokemon own stats, so Amped Form might be preferred for PvP or story mode. While Low Key Form excels in raids thanks to the ally-supporting move Magnetic Flux.
How To Get Toxel In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?
One of the more challenging Pokemon to locate in the game is Toxel. The Baby Pokemon, which can only found in a small portion of Paldea. It most frequently discovered near the Psychic-Type Gym:
- South Province (Area Four)