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How To Get Promoted In Sims 4

How To Get Promoted In Sims 4

How To Get Promoted In Sims 4. In Sims 4, getting promoted in a career requires dedication and effort. Here some tips to help you get promoted:

  • Improve your skills: Each career requires specific skills. Make sure to work on the necessary skills to excel in your career. For example, if you are in the tech career, you will need to work on programming and video gaming skills.
  • Complete daily tasks: Each career has daily tasks that need to completed. Completing them on time will improve your chances of getting promoted.
  • Network with co-workers: Building relationships with your co-workers can improve your work performance and lead to promotions.
  • Work overtime: If you work overtime, it will increase your job performance and show dedication to your career.
  • Attend work-focused social events: Your job may hold social events, such as a work party, that can help you build relationships and show dedication to your job.
  • Request feedback: Ask your supervisor for feedback on your performance. This will help you identify areas you need to improve and show your dedication to your job.
  • Take vacation days: Take breaks from work to recharge and increase your overall job performance.

Remember, getting promoted takes time and dedication. Stay focused on your career goals and continue to work hard to achieve them.

In The Sims 4, there are many ways to earn money. Sims can use their own skills to try to make a living by fishing in the neighborhood pond or painting on an easel. They can also work as freelancers, take odd jobs, or try to build a career over the course of their lives.

This guide will assist users in understanding how to advance in The Sims 4. Even though each career is unique in its own way, players can still follow a few rules to make it simpler to advance in their careers.

How to Get a Raise or Promotion

How to Get a Raise or Promotion
How to Get a Raise or Promotion

Both full-time and part-time employment for the Sim has the same rules for career advancement. The only distinction is that part-time jobs only have three career levels, whereas full-time jobs have ten.

Once a Sim reaches level 10, they must reach the right end of the Performance bar and complete all Promotion Tasks in order to receive a promotion, or raise. The grayed-out checkmark will turn gold and the Sim will promoted by the end of the working day once these conditions have satisfied.

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Workplace Performance And Episode

Workplace Performance And Episode
Workplace Performance And Episode

According to how well a Sim performs at work, job performance will change in The Sims 4. Players can improve a Sim’s performance by:

  • Addressing all of their Sims’ requirements prior to leaving for work;
  • Finishing the daily assignment;
  • Once the Sim has started working, choose Work Hard from the menu.

A Sim’s work performance will increase with hard work, but their need for fun will significantly decline. If the player has Growing Together, this will make the Sim tense and could result in burnout.

Sometimes strange things can happen at work, and narrative episodes will show up on the screen, forcing the player to decide how their Sim should respond to a specific incident. Sadly, there is no right or wrong response; regardless of what the player may think is the best option, the result is random, so it could go either way. The Sim will ultimately either perform worse or better.


What is the Sims 4 side job with the highest pay?

Many players believe the Interstellar Smuggler to be the most lucrative career because at level ten, they can make a whopping $3,717 per day! There are now many different types of careers, including active and work-from-home ones, as the number of occupations has grown over time.