How To Get Best Weapons In Don’t Starve. Don’t Starve is a survival game that requires you to gather resources, craft tools, and defend yourself against various dangers, including hostile creatures. One of the most important tools in the game is your weapon, which can help you survive and defend yourself against enemies.
- Research: To get access to the best weapons, you need to research them first. Build a science machine and then an alchemy engine to unlock new recipes and crafting options.
- Collect resources: You will need various resources to craft weapons, including Flint, Gold Nuggets, and Boards. These can be found by mining rocks, chopping down trees, and exploring the world.
- Craft basic weapons: Start by crafting basic weapons like a Spear or Boomerang, which require only a few resources to make. These will help you defend yourself against weaker enemies and can be upgraded later.
- Explore ruins: The Ancient Ruins contain some of the best weapons in the game, including the Thulecite Club, which deals a significant amount of damage to enemies. However, be prepared to face tough enemies and traps.
- Fight bosses: Bosses like Deerclops, Bearger, and Dragonfly drop rare materials that can be used to craft powerful weapons like the Hambat or Dark Sword. However, these fights are tough, so make sure you have enough armor and weapons before taking them on.
- Trade with Pig King: The Pig King will trade you valuable items in exchange for gold nuggets. You can trade with him for items like a Morning Star or a Football Helmet, which are powerful weapons.
- Don’t forget about magic: Magic weapons like the Fire Staff and Ice Staff can be incredibly useful in combat, and they don’t require any ammunition. However, they do require rare materials like Nightmare Fuel and Living Logs.
Remember that weapons are only part of the equation. To survive in Don’t Starve, you also need to manage your hunger, health, and sanity. Make sure you have enough food and resources to keep yourself healthy, and avoid dangerous situations that could cause your sanity to decrease.
Table of Contents
How To Get Best Weapons In Don’t Starve
There are three types of weapons in Don’t Starve: melee, ranged, and unique. You can skip around to the weapon type that most interests you because our guide will include the greatest items from each category.
Best Melee Armor

Infernal Sword
The Black Sword, which lasts for 100 swings and deals 68 damage per hit, is the best melee weapon in Don’t Starve’s base edition. You must take cautious not to swing it carelessly lest you go nuts because it also drains 20 sanity per swing.
To make the Dark Sword, you’ll need:
Nightmare Fuel x 5: Created from the Prestihatitator using Dark Petals x 4 and dropped by Shadow Creatures that spawn when your sanity is low.
Living Log: Left by Completely Normal Trees and Treeguards.
Supreme Cutlass
The Cutlass Supreme, a melee weapon alternative, may found in the Shipwrecked and Hamlet DLC. The Cutlass Supreme has a 150 swing lifespan and does 68 damage per hit. In terms of power, it is comparable to the Dark Sword, but without the irksome sanity drain.
The Boar’s Tusk weapon store in Pig City sells the Cutlass Supreme and Dark Sword for 50 Oincs apiece. If you own Shipwrecked but not the Hamlet DLC, you can still make the cutlass.
In order to create the Cutlass Supreme, you’ll need:
- Mine from boulders with gold veins inside to gain two gold nuggets.
- Destroy any swordfish that are spawning in deep ocean regions.
- Twig: Gathered from Spiky Trees, Spiky Bushes, and Saplings.
Using a Glass Cutter
Curiously, the multiplayer expansion Don’t Starve Together does not contain the Cutlass Supreme. Instead, the Glass Cutter, which likewise deals 68 damage each hit but only lasts for 75 swings, is the best melee weapon in that game.
The Glass Cutter has a special ability that slightly compensates for its lower maximum durability compared to the Cutlass Supreme by reducing its durability by half if it used against Shadow Creatures.
You require the following materials to make the Glass Cutter:
Board: Constructed from refined Logs.
Moon Shards x 6: Found in the Lunar Island biome, mined from Moon Glass boulders and Hot Springs (throw a Bath Bomb into the spring and mine it on a full moon night).
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Best ranged weapons

Burst Dart
The simple Blow Dart, which deals 100 damage each shot in the standard version of Don’t Starve and Don’t Starve Together, the best ranged weapon. Using the Blow Dart, you may snipe opponents from a secure distance.
To make Blow Darts, you’ll need:
- Any type of hound, such as the ones who occasionally storm your base, can drop a hound’s tooth.
- Blue birds dropped an azure feather. To catch them quickly, use bird traps that have been baited with seeds.
- Obtainable from the two cut reeds that spawn in the marsh environment.
The Blunderbuss the finest ranged weapon in Don’t Starve if you have the Hamlet DLC for the single-player game. The Blunderbuss needs to refilled with gunpowder but has no durability.
In order to make the Blunderbuss, you’ll need:
- Boards x 2: Produced by repurposing Logs.
- Gears: Dropped by foes of the clockwork.
- Trade goods with the pig traders, Tenpiece Oinc.
What you need to make gunpowder is:
- Rotten Egg: When an egg spoils, it becomes a Rotten Egg. To obtain simple eggs, catch a bird with a Bird Trap, put it in a cage, and then feed it.
- Charcoal: Set a tree ablaze, then remove the burned branches.
- Nitre: Rocks mined from them.
Best unique weapons

Given that we have only discussed conventional weaponry thus far, we would like to share with you some unconventional weapons that, when utilized properly, may really pack a punch.
Old Bel
The Old Bell, the first special weapon, exclusively found in Don’t Starve’s single-player mode. After a little interval, a huge foot descends onto your location in response to the bell, crushing anything in its path, including you, and delivering a staggering 1,000 damage!
The following materials required to create the Old Bell:
- The actual blueprint, which may mined from Glommer’s Statue in Deciduous Forest biomes or retrieved from arbitrary tumbleweeds.
- Glommer’s Wings: Glommer dropped them. Indeed, you monster, this means you have to kill the helpless creature!
- Every full moon, a flower plucked from Glommer’s statue. Every full moon, a new flower and, if the previous Glommer was murdered, a new one, appear.
The Old Bell is a little difficult to utilize, but because it is regenerative, it is an excellent tool for defeating Don’t Starve’s terrifying enemies.
The aforementioned gunpowder is the second special weapon. Gunpowder is a fantastic weapon to use against bosses in Don’t Starve Together if you are playing the game or do not have the Hamlet DLC.
Gunpowder can used without a Blunderbuss; all you have to do drop it on the ground, light it with a torch, and enjoy the fireworks. Explosions of gunpowder cause 200 damage to anything caught in their path, and gunpowder is easily replenishable.
What does Don't Starve's most potent weapon look like?
For a prototype, a shadow manipulator is required. Players will need one Living Log and five Nightmare Fuel to make it. This weapon has 100 durability and deals 68 damage. Once equipped, it does cost 20 Sanity per minute, but it is one of the game’s strongest weapons.